Help me design a speaker that my wife will let me build!

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10 years ago, when I met my wife, I had speakers that were 30x40x130 cm with double 8" woofers. They were the first speakers I'd built and they were hideous (raw MDF) and I loved them :) About 8 years ago I exchanged them for a set of Canton speakers (CD200, CD220, CD250) and a Sunfire D8 subwoofer. They sound alright, but as I've found the joy in making my own speakers I'd like to exchange them for something I've built. The problem is WAF...

I think I'm going for some kind of F.A.S.T. arrangement, with at least 3 (small) subwoofers. I've used the CHR-70s and quite like them, so the Alpair 7.3 is used as model in the following sketches.

The room
So this is the living room:



To test designs I made a 3D-model:

About a year ago I built spherical speakers from IKEA-bowls (after reading about it here):

These are now used in the bedroom (mainly for watching TV-series). I thought my wife liked them, so I started sketching on speakers combining a simple stand (hiding a 8 or 10" woofer) with a spherical speaker:

She got a glimpse of the sketches before I had planned and thought they were horrible... Back to the drawing board.

Maybe they are a little to edgy or eye-catching. Let's try something a little more discrete:



A thin (155 mm) speaker with the woofer hidden on the side and a oak front. Either with a high gloss paint or covered with leather on the sides.

This idea was shot down as well, so I asked her what she liked about the speakers that we have and got the answer: the sound and that they are discrete.

Alright, so something even more discrete. What would that be... Maybe wall mounted?




Two of the hexagons/cylinders are speakers and two just absorbers. I got the idea from the half sphere absorbers Kula by Bryndís Bolladóttir:

The spherical part might be a bit difficult, but maybe possible by combining IKEA-bowls and chicken net or glass fibre/epoxy?

Any ideas? Are there any nice speakers that I could be influenced by that my picky wife might like?

To be brutally frank, it would seem your wife is insisting on speakers that don't really exist... You can't get something for nothing, she should yield in this instance.
While the minimalistic look has its merits, it would seem those tiny slender (virtual pipes) loudspeakers you DO have are already at the WAF limit.
Is it the size limitations the rejection factor or is it the "Artistic value"?
Since you seem to be far more artistic than most of us.......consider consulting a true, professional conceptual Artist, to take it to another level.
Perhaps the two of you could take a visit to a modern Art gallery.....note her reactions to various large sculptures......take pictures if allowed...or keep any literature showing the pieces in the gallery, take physical notes.
If it is the actual physical EXISTENCE of such devices, you have some problems...& she has rejected the existence of your 'hobby', your interests'.

To be brutally frank, it would seem your wife is insisting on speakers that don't really exist... You can't get something for nothing, she should yield in this instance.
While the minimalistic look has its merits, it would seem those tiny slender (virtual pipes) loudspeakers you DO have are already at the WAF limit.
Is it the size limitations the rejection factor or is it the "Artistic value"?
Since you seem to be far more artistic than most of us.......consider consulting a true, professional conceptual Artist, to take it to another level.
Perhaps the two of you could take a visit to a modern Art gallery.....note her reactions to various large sculptures......take pictures if allowed...or keep any literature showing the pieces in the gallery, take physical notes.
If it is the actual physical EXISTENCE of such devices, you have some problems...& she has rejected the existence of your 'hobby', your interests'.

Good suggestions!

In her defence she is pregnant with our second child... Earlier she would be mostly indifferent to my speaker ideas. I want to build a speaker that she likes, not just tolerates, if that is possible.

She does like the speakers that we have now and doesn't really see the point in exchanging them. The panel above the sofa is a acoustic absorber and there is a plan on adding something similar to the TV-wall (as seen behind the oak/black speaker).

Try A Cornu Spiral Horn, in that room on the walls either side of the big screen should work well and not overwhelm the room visually. You could even conceal them with some artwork on the front.
Those actually gave me the idea of building on-wall speakers. I really like the look of them :) Should be possible to merge with the design idea I showed, with a subwoofer on the floor (bottom hexagon with stand).

Could you make an 'Soundbar', to sit where you centre channel is now, but extending the whole length of your media console?

Match it in the same materials to hide it, or paint it gloss white to exagerate it.

Could essentially make it two Pensil designs on their side, and integrate the centre channel in, the subs could either be integrated, or make a few small boxes and have them spread around the room, TangBand springs to mind for small subwoofers that work well in small boxes.
Could you make an 'Soundbar', to sit where you centre channel is now, but extending the whole length of your media console?

Match it in the same materials to hide it, or paint it gloss white to exagerate it.

Could essentially make it two Pensil designs on their side, and integrate the centre channel in, the subs could either be integrated, or make a few small boxes and have them spread around the room, TangBand springs to mind for small subwoofers that work well in small boxes.
Hey, that's a good idea! I'll try sketching something... I like TangBands, I'm using the W6-1139SIF for a set of speakers for my dad and I have the W8-740P in the living room.

Have you tried sitting with your wife and going through some images of others designs to see if there is anything she finds pleasing. You may stumble on something you didnt expect if she can see a shot of them.
This is my plan, I was hoping that people would post pictures of good looking speakers that I could show or get ideas from (to put in the 3D-model).

Why not take the idea of your current speakers and let them grow a bit :D

(those line arrays, not the old Yamo)
Holy crap! :D I'll add them to the list, but it would be a huge suprise if she likes them.


One of the best looking speakers ever made is the BRAUN LE1 electrostatic speakers:
retro vintage modern hi-fi: Braun
One could do a open baffle version of them, but sadly you don't have the space for that.

But I really like your wall-mounted sphere idea :), the key here is:

• No visable cables
• No raw drivers visible
• No "funny" color. Keep'm white (meaning, exact same color as your wall painting), and let her decide the color of the front cloth

...and of course, think small. Complement with a hidden sub.

That should do it ;)
What is your wall construction? If hollow, you may be able to build in-wall speakers that have all of their volume hidden.

Of a similar principle, you can build subwoofers into socially-acceptable furniture like coffee tables and couches, and that can be quite invisible if they're down-firing. If you have floorboards and are very adventurous, substantial subwoofer boxes can go underfloor... Using those sorts of hiding techniques for LF drivers, you can possibly get away with very small/discrete speakers that are easier to sell.
T-M-W-W is one of the most popular and successful speaker topologies.
Sony knows Form and Function.
Sony's SS-AR1 high end home speaker is TMWW.

Suggest: SB-Acoustics 3-way TMWW design with flat black painted box that is covered with a single black nylon sock. The cloth will add an organic feel at the ends of your cabinet. Accept the 10" cabinet width.

SB Acoustics offers great speakers at modest prices. Using a ~6" midbass offers coherent vocals and good polar response up to ~2Hz for 1"dome marriage. There are several DIY 2-way ~1800Hz crossovers for the 6" SB17NRXC35-4 midrange and SB29RDNC-4 dome tweeter, plus 3-way DIY crossovers which add two 8" SB23NRXS45-8 woofers to match the midrange SPL. Bass compensation is requred for baffle step and room effects. A clever cabinet shape can significantly reduce edge diffraction artifacts, and also smooth out the 4Pi - 2Pi baffle step. The enclosure is vented, around 70-75 liters, tuned at 30 Hz. About 10" wide, but height vs. depth can be traded for style.

Several similar SB 3-way diy designs on web ... just Google.


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