Now I know why everybody is going to Class D - When will Nelson be forced?

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I try to understand interesting thoughts here.

I find it exceptionally unfortunate that yet the scholars do not agree in this global warming topic.
They do not have a fart presumably from it, what's going on.
Not miracle, since they work on supercomputers with cube kilometre atmosphere models.
We know meanwhile that is the wing beat of a butterfly living in the rain forest causes a hurricane in Central America.
Well, we cut that forest out then. From this direction this much.

What expected from us, who we did not touch the question.
Well, I know one because of that.
A reasonable man does not s'hit neither the own one, neither in front of the other man's door.
The humanity should understand this finally.
For leaders, for plain citizens, for rich ones, for poor ones.
The poor may do something less for the good cause since they move on a forced path at worst.

I hope so, something which can be taken because of that my thoughts.

Wow.... it is amazing where speculation of Nelson's desire to design a Class D amplifier will lead.

The best solution, is that we give up audio, transportation, and reproduction completely. If we move back to a completely agrarian society, without electricity, with only the food we can locally grow, then the problem is solved. Hey... people were probably happier when they lived in small villages without electricity or running water and without the local Walmart anyway. When I see the local Green Party embracing such a lifestyle, I'll give up my fossil fuel guzzling Hyundai and join them.
The best solution was missed out on undoubtedly.
It would have been necessary to shoot the first common monkey ancestor, the one that climbed down from the tree on the savannah...:D


Though the world nice:
The World at Night (TWAN) in Photos and Videos

Don't worry... there will still be plenty of shooting. It is pretty much guaranteed.

There is a 100% probability that I will die. There is a 100% probability that my children will die. There is a 100% probability that humanity will go extinct. There is a 100% probability that the earth will be roasted when our sun consumes it's supply of hydrogen, and collapses in on itself then explodes in a Super Nova.

It is what happens in the times in-between that matter, not the length of time that passes between stages.
Running water existed since the Roman times. It is only that Barbarians that took down viaducts for the material. :)

Ok... we can have running water. We just need some windmills to churn a pump. My grandfathers farm had one that supplied water from our well. Outside of the fact that it had to be manufactured (it was made from metal) and it had to be transported, it was fairly earth friendly. We can make wood windmills from locally grown trees (I guess they are out of luck in the desert) and have running water. :D
Hello Kevin!
You know that the usage of the windmills hurries that process, for which one the Earth shows the same side of his always on his end towards the Sun.
That is there will be daytime always there, the night to be stood on the other side.
The real exodus will be then, I do not know it though, which side will be the more terrible one.
Some billion years pass because of that till then.
Whatever this the windmills and a tide ensue without power stations.

Ok... we can have running water. We just need some windmills to churn a pump. My grandfathers farm had one that supplied water from our well. Outside of the fact that it had to be manufactured (it was made from metal) and it had to be transported, it was fairly earth friendly. We can make wood windmills from locally grown trees (I guess they are out of luck in the desert) and have running water. :D

How do you know the ecofacists won't try to regulate that too? Once they're done with the kind of light bulb, TV, automobile (mpg requirement, speed limiter, no more washing the car) one can use they will move on to your house (<1200sf), your shower (The Bureaucrat in Your Shower - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute), food (outlaw beef Group's Surprising Beef With Meat Industry / Study ranks production of beef, poultry and pork as second to automobiles in ecological cost)...

Windmills cause noise pollution, visual pollution (Chesapeake Bay Journal: Wind turbine proposals for Atlantic Coast face challenges - January/February 2003), and they might disturb the flightpath of birds. Plus making it out of wood would be a no-no (contributes to deforestation). It would have to be bio-degradable:D
Joined 2006
Paid Member
"Now I know why everybody is going to Class D - When will Nelson be forced?"

Once upon a time around 1974 I worked for Nelson (this is before ESS or Threshold) fixing audio gear for a stereo store in Sacramento. I knew my electronics theory pretty well - but it was from the perspective of a technician, and his knowledge came from that of an engineer. One day after work we stayed around in the shop discussing amplifier theory and he kept going on and on about class A amplifiers and how he loved ‘em. After a long discussion of the finer points I asked him who in the hell would want such an amplifier? All they would do is eat up tremendous amounts of electricity for the power they produced and that would result in poor reliability. Well we were both correct from our own perspectives – but I think we all know exactly who was MORE correct! Nelson knew waaaaay back then where he was heading and what he wanted to achieve with audio amps. He is today as he was back then – a super nice and generous guy that is willing to share his knowledge and insights with those who are willing to listen. What will he come up with? Donno – but when he does he will share it with you. He always has.
Hello Kevin!
You know that the usage of the windmills hurries that process, for which one the Earth shows the same side of his always on his end towards the Sun.
That is there will be daytime always there, the night to be stood on the other side.
The real exodus will be then, I do not know it though, which side will be the more terrible one.
Some billion years pass because of that till then.
Whatever this the windmills and a tide ensue without power stations.


Ahh...yes you are right. We will have to outlaw windmills because they like the tides are a frictional loss on the earth-moon system. Over time, we will lose the moon as the frictional losses work their magic on the earth-moon system. Windmills may speed up this process by days during which our oddly evolved ancestors could otherwise enjoy the fruits of having a moon and all the gravitational generated power that they took for granted all those eons.
How do you know the ecofacists won't try to regulate that too? Once they're done with the kind of light bulb, TV, automobile (mpg requirement, speed limiter, no more washing the car) one can use they will move on to your house (<1200sf), your shower (The Bureaucrat in Your Shower - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute), food (outlaw beef Group's Surprising Beef With Meat Industry / Study ranks production of beef, poultry and pork as second to automobiles in ecological cost)...

Windmills cause noise pollution, visual pollution (Chesapeake Bay Journal: Wind turbine proposals for Atlantic Coast face challenges - January/February 2003), and they might disturb the flightpath of birds. Plus making it out of wood would be a no-no (contributes to deforestation). It would have to be bio-degradable:D

It saddens me to say, that I am an environmentalist. Not in the wacky stupid kind of way, but in the I want to act responsible kind of way.

The nut-cakes are a problem in all areas of society, on the left and on the right. They cause grief no matter their creed. Don't disparage all progress over the acts of a few mentally challenged individuals.
"Now I know why everybody is going to Class D - When will Nelson be forced?"

Once upon a time around 1974 I worked for Nelson (this is before ESS or Threshold) fixing audio gear for a stereo store in Sacramento. I knew my electronics theory pretty well - but it was from the perspective of a technician, and his knowledge came from that of an engineer. One day after work we stayed around in the shop discussing amplifier theory and he kept going on and on about class A amplifiers and how he loved ‘em. After a long discussion of the finer points I asked him who in the hell would want such an amplifier? All they would do is eat up tremendous amounts of electricity for the power they produced and that would result in poor reliability. Well we were both correct from our own perspectives – but I think we all know exactly who was MORE correct! Nelson knew waaaaay back then where he was heading and what he wanted to achieve with audio amps. He is today as he was back then – a super nice and generous guy that is willing to share his knowledge and insights with those who are willing to listen. What will he come up with? Donno – but when he does he will share it with you. He always has.

Now I know why I haven't seen Nelson on TMZ. :D
I am not going to engage in this debate. Lets keep in mind that this is an international forum and not a right wing blog, in support of previous administration and Resident.

I wouldn't try to debate in favor of an untenable position such as the warmists' either. However, do you also really want to pretend that 2.5 billion Chinese and Indians are disqualified from being 'international', and what does any of this have to do with the 'previous administration', anyway?

Btw, I understand that 0bama intends to promise at Copenhagen to reduce, by 2050, the US's per capita energy usage back to what it was in 1875 before electric power and natural gas distribution or refined oil products existed. Guess that'll have to be filed along with Der Spiegel's 'boiling oceans' and the warmists' threat of a completely melted Antarctic ice cap by 2030.

Btw, the carbon footprint of 20,000 people jetting to Copenhagen is larger than a number of countries' for an entire year. And then, next year, the gang is jetting again to Mexico City to outgas more hot air.
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It saddens me to say, that I am an environmentalist. Not in the wacky stupid kind of way, but in the I want to act responsible kind of way.

The nut-cakes are a problem in all areas of society, on the left and on the right. They cause grief no matter their creed. Don't disparage all progress over the acts of a few mentally challenged individuals.

Hi Kevin,

I was just being facetious. Certainly not meant as a dig at environmentally rational people:) I like to keep an open mind on these issues. One of my favorite authors, Jared Diamond, wrote a great book called "collapse" (the Easter Island chapter is particularly interesting), which makes interesting reading alongside "State of Fear" by the late Michael Crichton (prescient knowledge about the climategate emails?)

Hi Thoriated,
Didn't you see the memo? It's always Dubya's fault!
I just wanted to get a feel for Nelson's take on all this. and he was the first one who
replied , but only with a "cool" emoticon.
I didn't go digging for the first article. It was an industry newsletter I get in my field
and just took note of how they want to include A/V now. My earlier other thread was more along the lines of California banning the larger (plasma) TV and how it could relate
to maybe Class A next. The EPA stepping in is taking it on a national level and major
manufacturers and going beyond just TV sets, so I thought a seperate thread would
be more appropriate.
Don't mean to cause division, but I think division existed well before a brought it
to this forum outside the world of diy at our national political level.
I think it's great to see the ideas of sliding bias class amps and am curious as to
finding if anybody succesfully implemented a sliding bias scheme into a Pass topology.
I recall some companies in the 80's using variations of sliding bias, but don't know
how good those really were. I don't care for the Carver stuff and I also remember
(I believe Soundcraftsmen) with a class H?
I think that is one advantage the diy community has is that it can do things
mainstream manufacturers may not be able to do.
Class A still rules!, but tis scary to think of a gov't that is going to pass out
recomendations just like the other controversial topic that did make headlines
concerning the gov't issueing recommendations and how that ties in with some of
their other "Changes".
It seems that Nelson keeps quiet until something is ready in the works, so
can't speculate either.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Former VP Al Gore lives not to far away - I guess I could run over and ask him what he thinks - providing he can tear himself away from working on the internet. Oh- wait a second - he's making a bunch-a-bucks getting grants for and funding for enviro consulting so he might be juuuuuust a itty bitty pissed if someone starts raining on his business of the business of environmental politics.

Heck - I think it's almost time to go blow some electrons watching the Alabama - Florida Game on the big screen LCD and fire up my watt hogging HT system.

I'll be using Steve D's sliding bias class A (that's debatable to some) "Krill" amps if I ever get around to putting them into a proper case.

Roll Tide!!!
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The best solution, is that we give up audio, transportation, and reproduction completely. If we move back to a completely agrarian society, without electricity, with only the food we can locally grow, then the problem is solved. Hey... people were probably happier when they lived in small villages without electricity or running water and without the local Walmart anyway. When I see the local Green Party embracing such a lifestyle, I'll give up my fossil fuel guzzling Hyundai and join them.

Even that might not been enough. They still don't know for sure what contribution CO2 has made on globabl temperature rises.
As I said before, they are moving on this out of fear. They don't know the full story.
Even if we stopped every singal coal fired power station today we would still be emitting massive amounts of CO2.
There are huge amounts of CO2 given off in the building industry from concrete. There are also many other industrial processes that emit massive amounts of CO2 without using any electricity what so ever.

If the ice sheets were melting and you guys were gambling men, I can tell you now the most likely cause for that are warm ocean currents.

Now for the big problem, that we can't control.
If the human population ceased to emit any CO2, then we are still not safe.
This is assuming that CO2 is playing a major contribution (which is still unknown) in gloval temperature rises, then what you guys may not know is that the ocean contains massive amounts of dissolved CO2.
Unlike solids which become mole soluble with increasing temperature, gases are less soluble with increasing temperature.
So, as the ocean temperature rises more CO2 (potentially several orders of magnitude more than we produce) will be released.
This could happen due to increased solar activity or more likely due to volcanic activity in the ocean floor.
Anyway if the water temperature increases due to ocean volcanic activity, then it will be the increased water temp will melt the ice not the air temp.

The problem with all of this, is it is a bit like the chicken or the egg, what controls what. Scientists still don't know. All they know is their is more CO2 in the air, they don't know by how much it contributes to global temperature fluctuations.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Thanh, you got that right, and its been "proven" as well
Nature holds huge powers, and it gets out of balance from time to time, its a proven fact
Its still debateable how much difference we make as humans

Willingly, knowingly, intentionally or not, we should not expect scientists to be 100% honest or objective, just because they are scientists

But certainly, some of them and others as well does have the powers to turn the whole world in their direction
Such people are always scaring
And maybe just because they really cant control the events they set in motion, whether they are honest about it or not

Mind you, its not the same as saying we shouldnt do anything
Ofcourse its fine to try and change things fore the better, as long as it makes sense

But I frequently hear people say "do this do that", and they do not even attempt to act by it themselves
They dont even see that the blame they put on others is exactly what they do themselves
Happens every day, and in here too
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an inconvenient truth

Former VP Al Gore lives not to far away - I guess I could run over and ask him what he thinks - providing he can tear himself away from working on the internet. Oh- wait a second - he's making a bunch-a-bucks getting grants for and funding for enviro consulting so he might be juuuuuust a itty bitty pissed if someone starts raining on his business of the business of environmental politics.

I remembered this from a couple year ago concerning Al's $30K/yr utility bill: Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- $30,000 utility bill 2/28/07
It's okay though, because he was buying "carbon offsets" and installing CF bulbs to compensate so his CO2 footprint was zero.;)
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