Musical Fidelity Elektra E601 or E60 CD Player Service Manual


Anybody out there with the service manual for the CD player
Musical Fidelity Elektra E601
(I assume that E60 will do as well)

My CD player refused to start up yesterday. There is some noise as if something in the transport spins up, the display comes alive for 0.5-1sec or so then it goes off again and the cycle repeats.
Today I left it flashing on and off for some time and then it came alive. It plays discs and all seems to be fine.

All this happened when I opened it to inspect. Now it is hard to fix if it is not broken. Still I am pretty sure the issue will come back.

I have contacted MF some time ago about the schematics/service manual but they refused to send anything...

So if anybody has anything could you please send it to me?
I can't reproduce the issue now. It was faulty yesterday and initially today. It came to life when I left it on for some time (probably 1min or so)
So yes now it spins up and works fine, plays music.
Maybe I need to turn it off for overnight to be able to see the issue again.

Can't see Sony anywhere on the mechanism.
Yamaha CDX-470 (and some other models) seem to use the same DAC but the PCB is completely different. It is not like some old Philips which has almost exactly board as Magnavox (and maybe some other brands).
It is a pity!

All marked on PCB voltages in my cd player are fine. But not it works I would not expect anything different.
I have resoldered the areas around the regulators as you suggested.
I have also added a small heat sink to the regulator which had none.

It all works now and after resoldering I am actually pretty optimistic (I have "repaired" a few things just by resoldering) it will stay so.

I attach some pics for the posterity.

If anybody recognizes these board as something from, say, Sanyo please give a shout. That would be probably the only way to find the schematics for this thing.

Searches on the net reveal nothing (just the DAC chip and the transport). Musical Fidelity does not release these docs I was told by them. Surely they are afraid that somebody would clone late 90's player and they will lose their revenues.


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I looked at the attached pdf and was going to say it looks different, but then I saw you said 100% match and only then I realised that your pdf covers a number of models. And indeed Dual CD 1180 is a match!
Unbelievable! How did you manage to find that?
Thanks a lot!

Now I understand that MF does not share the schematics. NDA agreement I suppose.

To their defense: they do and their own clock and linear stage board on top of the Dual one. Some MF models have a tube stage as well.

Anyway it is great to have this schematics!
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I have, let's say, a few years of troubleshooting behind me and I cross-checked information to reduce the selection then I ended up reducing the list to less than 5 devices, one of which corresponded the most, so I looked for photos but found nothing (the cd1180 rc is rare) so I downloaded the SM and that's when I knew.

I’m facing issues with CD tray. It has to be manually pulled and pushed to work. However everything else with the player works fine. Upon inspection see that the small metal strip in the mechanism is broken. Is there way to find and replace the CD tray mechanism while keeping the lens assembly etc.
