Munich High End 2024

I respect big systems, they have nearly no limits in dynamics.

Only today means high end also high end prices.

As Do it yourselfer I know what the real prices are so for me these systems are a no go.

High end can be really affordable if you know how to do it.
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I respect big systems, they have nearly no limits in dynamics.
I don't know about limitless dynamics. I have heard so many huge Systems, some were good, some were painfull.
I do think that the optic of the system play a big role in audio, If you think about it, the Audio system resembels very much the old alter, the place where individuals used to pray to their gods, goddess or what ever... and still do in many countries.
Big system just overwhelm this intimacy in my perspective... I can't remember really relaxing and forgetting about the gear while listening say to the Magico Ultimate.

Just found a really nice looking (for me) speaker who I would have loved to worship, not to big, not too small, looks just right.
Admire audio from Spain.
Sadly I haven't heard them in Munich
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Ahh, I missed this one. I had plan to visit its room before coming, but somehow got side track by Lorenzo's horn speaker then completely forgot it.
The PureAcourateSound system is why I went to Munich this year, shocking good though the room was tiny for it for sure. Even if all the DSP power was thrown on the acoustics. Yet this is the future for me, never made sense to expect high quality sound from the highly asymmetrical living room we all live in. Just a vaaaast sound field with no sense of the speakers. Anyone please post a video of the system playing Pan Sonic's Laptevinmeri. Shocking, shocking.

Years ago D&D 8C was an eye opener and the 10$ I spent on the mitchco book was the best money spent in decades for audio. Not to mention his very fine articles on Audiophile Style, FOR FREE. Wish there were there, Sigberg as well.

The Thrax Gaida is my love, I have witnessed the R&D of that project and this is the other reasonable way to attack the problem with acoustics-a highly directional but wisely designed horn. Too big, waiting for their single 15" speaker to cure me from my obsession with the JBL 4367 :) And yes, it can do dynamics, not to be mistaken with able to play loud. Nothing compares to a single driver playing the most important range and yes, it can do finesse too.

Again - the Purifi guys are the real Robin Hoods of audio. Respect! I was listening to Claus talk about the way they develop and research stuff - what a stark contrast to crooked old worn out gurus who showed OEM SEAS/ScanSpeak drivers in fancy enclosures and silly amps the size of refrigerators because "that's what THEY are looking for". The They turns out to be a bunch of grown up men and women sitting in front of disastrously sounding "systems", barely listenable with very very serious expressions on their faces, as if they "hear" through the unlistenable. Most of those systems were collaborations between companies who cannot afford or don't want to pay the 100K for a single miserable room. Just a random mix of equipment. Better leave it on mute, let the design language of the box do the talking, please.

After more than 35 years in the audio hobby I would be happy with a Mola Mola Makua/1ET9040 monos/SPK16. Let me live with it, just it. If I can get to the Magico M6/MSB stack - great. Or I could suffer with a Vivid Giya G1/Audionet stack but everyone who is serious about audio should be certified having listened to the Purifi system for a year. Then he/she can do whatever they like.
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As someone who intends to experiment with AudioLense (with Mitch’s guidance) in the not too distant future, that room would have been top of my list too had I gone to Munich this year. So great to read your enthusiastic comments about it. And I share your cynicism about so much of the “high end”. I worked out years ago that due diligence is required before making any hi fi purchases; when buying commercially produced gear I will only do so if I am completely satisfied that it has been designed by super smart people who are intent on delivering a well engineered product.
Thanks, I'm glad my ramblings resonate! :)

In general, there is a lot great stuff on philosophical side of things regarding good perceived sound, lots of insight available that simply isn't there if looking commercial options only and not thinking any further.

If there is couple of good systems among thousands, they are very hard to spot, and impossible if one cannot stich the whole context together (system positioned in room), and perhaps even then. Here I'm commenting speakers just from photos, without associated auditory experience!

Gathering experience by listening and tinkering and nurturing some philosophical insight helps to see through the bling and marketing of commercial products. I think it would be foolish to judge everything by eye, both in good and bad, but at least the marketing layer is quite easy to see through after a while. Acoustics is one thing thats common to all of us, and all of the systems. While it's not everything, it's still one important link in chain back from perception to speakers, the medium, which needs to be aligned with everything else, or the system is not as good as it could :)
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Luckily acoustics doesn't require any kind of status or money, it's just physics and thus available to anyone.
Love it!
I cannot agree more. Seems like the High-end went a bit off track in this regard.
One can still meet real passionate people in the high-end show and I do like beautiful esthetics... but it seems like this luxury audio inflation just span out of control in the last 20 years.

The Focal Utopia Em back in 2010 was 130k? That was the absolute top. Now you can find Two ways speakers costing the same.

Where is Ethan Winer to beat some sense in those guys?? Besides, music reproduction is really all about acoustics, da... still way too neglected in the shows. Not only acoustics but also room atmosphere should count giving everyone a cup of wine in the entrance will be beneficial to all.
Ho and keep the volume at reasonable levels where the room treatment can cope with. There where some rooms I went inside and made an instant u-turn.
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Joined 2004
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Thanks for the report! Nice to see real wood in many of the designs.

Bass cabinet should never touch the rest. Does this Black Swan let you roll out the bass module to correct the delay? Looks DIY-able...


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