The High End

...the sad thing is, people become brainwashed due to this manipulation, insisting that their belief or opinion of something is the right one, just because the reviewer says so.
We see this pretty much everywhere these days. :eek:

It is common in human nature for someone to try to persuade others that the persuader's view is the right one. Its easy to see it when someone tries to persuade you to believe something you don't want to believe. Its hardest to see when you are the persuader. Also, its easy to believe one's own view is the right one.
I've had that happen on occasions, where I'd be scolded or reprimanded for my own opinion on something.
This sort of thing is in line with censorship of course, protecting both the reviewer, and the manufacturer's reputation, who, as the manufacturer, is paying that reviewer to endorse and praise their product in order to promote healthy sales.

And the sad thing is, people become brainwashed due to this manipulation, insisting that their belief or opinion of something is the right one, just because the reviewer says so.
We see this pretty much everywhere these days. :eek:
Yup, protecting / smearing is part of their business plan and we see an example of it above.
Humans always have some tendency to go 'tribal,' become polarized, and take sides against one another. The tendency tends to be exacerbated when times are hard, such as during pandemics, inflation, etc. Also there is mounting evidence that overuse of highly popular internet forums isn't helping promote good mental health, nor the tolerance of exposure to competing ideas, among young people.