encoder volume control

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raikkonen said:
now the problem is: is there a way to control a 16x2 lcd without a micro??

Uhm, practically speaking. the answer is simply NO. For microcontrollers I would leave the PIC’s. I myself I am done with them.

If you want to go on the microcontroller bandwagon have a look here: http://smileymicros.com/

The Atmel AVR Butterfly board has everything you need to control a PGA on the cart: 6 digit LCD and a 5 way control joystick at a bargain price. The only thing it doesn’t have for you is programming skills, you have to acquire them yourselves :clown:

Cheers ;)
IMO, the Atmel AVR series is far better than the PIC. The instruction set is nicer, and there's a free compiler (GCC, a well known open source compiler) available for it. They also have more processing power per clock.

The ATtiny2313 is a great chip for most things.
raikkonen said:
it's incredible...semiconductor corporation produce tons of IC's and you'll never find really what you're looking for!!!(Murphy's law?:D

That’s called “The art of electronics” :D ;)

Hi Jaycee,

Programming in assembly like I do a lot, the PIC’s are a nightmare and the Atmel AVR’s are heaven. But unless you sell 100K of them a year and need lowest cost I would skip the Tiny ones and move straight ahead to the Mega ones like the MegaAVR168. These are not much more expensive and are a lot more powerfull.

Hi all. After a long time just sucking info off this forum its time to give something back :)

I am in the making of a PGA2311 based multichannel preamp, using AVR atmega32, alps rotary pulsswitch(EC11B), ir remote sensor and a oled display.

So far i have built stereo, and the sound is great.

The code is immature but it works.

I use winavr (gcc) and avrstudio with jtag-ice. I am not shure how to program the avrs without a jtag-ice or a ISP.

The alps EC11B have two switches giving 15 pulses per revolution. The shaft got 30 dents pr revolution. That gives me 30 increments pr revolution.

1st switch is connected from an interrupt pin to ground.
2nd is connected from a normal input(PB1 in my case) to ground
(remember to turn on the internal pullup on the inputs)

Check the pulse-trains on page 9 in this pdf:

To read the rotary switches i do like this:

#define RotaryPositiveDirection PINB & (1<< PB1) 
    cbi(GICR,INT2);   // disable int2 
	if (tbi(MCUCSR,ISC2))
  	 	cbi(MCUCSR,ISC2); // negative trigging next time
 			volume ++;
			volume --;
   		sbi(MCUCSR,ISC2); // positive trig next time
			volume --;
			volume ++;
    sbi(GICR,INT2);   // enable int2

Good luck! Its a great volume chip and the samples are free :)
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