diyAB Amp The "Honey Badger" build thread

Oops, poor file management. Note that the 4N26 opto coupler is already in the spice library.

Copy and paste the following at the end of JohnsModels.txt

* MAT02 SPICE Macro-model
* Audio Dual Matched NPN Transistor
* 8/2015, Rev. A
* Copyright 2010 by Analog Devices, Inc.
* Node assignments
* C1
* | B1
* | | E1
* | | | E2
* | | | | B2
* | | | | | C2
* | | | | | |
.SUBCKT MAT02 1 2 3 5 6 7
Q1 1 2 3 NMAT
Q2 7 6 5 NMAT
D1 3 2 DMAT1
D2 5 6 DMAT1
D3 4 3 DMAT1
D4 4 5 DMAT1
D5 4 1 DMAT2
D6 4 7 DMAT2
.MODEL DMAT1 D(IS=2E-16 RS=20)
.MODEL DMAT2 D(IS=1E-14 VJ=0.6 CJO=40E-12)
.MODEL NMAT NPN(BF=500 IS=6E-13 VAF=150 BR=0.5 VAR=7
+ RB=13 RC=10 RE=0.3 CJE=82E-12 VJE=0.7 MJE=0.4 TF=0.3E-9
+ TR=5E-9 CJC=33E-12 VJC=0.55 MJC=0.5 CJS=0 IKF=0.300
+ PTF=25)
* Helmut Sennewald 8/10/2004
* MOC3021 I_trig=8mA
* D+ D- MT2 MT1
.SUBCKT MOC3021 1 2 3 4
.PARAM Itrig=15m
.PARAM RH1=20k
.PARAM RH2=20k
.PARAM RH3=16.7k
Q2 vb1 vb1p vd1 0 PNP1
Q1 vb1p vb1 4 0 NPN1
R3 vb1 4 {RH2}
D1 1 2 DL
R1 ctrl1 4 1
C1 ctrl1 4 10µ
R2 ctrl1 vb1 {RH1}
R4 vd1 vb1p {RH3}
B1 ctrl1 4 I=-500*I(D1)*3m/Itrig
R6 vd2 vb2 {RH2}
D3 vd2 3 D1
Q3 vb2 vb2p 4 0 PNP1
Q4 vb2p vb2 vd2 0 NPN1
E1 vd2 N001 ctrl1 4 -1
R5 N001 vb2 {RH1}
R7 vb2p 4 {RH3}
D2 3 vd1 D1
R34 3 4 100MEG
.MODEL PNP1 PNP(Is=1e-15 BF=10 Cjc=10p Cje=20p Tf=0.1u Ise=1e-12)
.MODEL NPN1 NPN(Is=1e-15 BF=10 Cjc=10p Cje=20p Tf=0.1u Ise=1e-12)
.MODEL D1 D(Is=0.1u Rs=2 Cj0=50p)
.MODEL DL D(Is=1e-20 Rs=5)
Yes the fuses are installed i and just conecting a test 4ohm speaker to it to check for any issuies however when i turn the volume up up i can see r54 smoking up it doesnt do this on the other channel that plays fine

You have a blown fuse or bad solder joint on the fuse holder then. R53 and R54 shouldn't be doing anything once the fuses are installed.
It depends on which options you choose for your build. If you are using D3 for instance, than you can't use R18. It is all explained well in the build guide under "options" I believe. I am on my phone currently, and don't have the files handy, but I think you can find them in post #1. :)
There is discussion a while ago about it. If you search the thread for "baker clamp" you will find some information. See below for an idea.

The diode is just a tweak to reduce the sound effect when coming out of clipping.

The reliability of the amplifier is not affected by the presence, or not, of the diode.

See Baker Clamp which is a form of softer clipping.
Hi John, Sorry to be a pain but it looks like to simulate your amp I still need another include file -> "DIYAamp.txt"

If you could post this when you have time that would be great.

It's quite possible this is just the same file that was included with the original SPICE file, attached somewhere in this thread. I can't say whether John modified it or not.
hi, yes the pcb is x CRC. in the case of AB the CRC filter is not needed?

I guess the diyAudio CRC setup was conceived for use with class A amps, which draw a relatively constant current. CRC does a good job at filtering PSU ripple with constant current.

With class AB amps, the current drawn from the PSU goes with the music signal. Any variation of the current through the resistor would cause a corresponding voltage variation across the resistor, and hence at the PSU output. That's not what you want, and you are better off to just replace the resistor by a piece of wire. By doing that you end up with the conventional "capacitor only PSU".
I guess the diyAudio CRC setup was conceived for use with class A amps, which draw a relatively constant current. CRC does a good job at filtering PSU ripple with constant current.

With class AB amps, the current drawn from the PSU goes with the music signal. Any variation of the current through the resistor would cause a corresponding voltage variation across the resistor, and hence at the PSU output. That's not what you want, and you are better off to just replace the resistor by a piece of wire. By doing that you end up with the conventional "capacitor only PSU".