Pass Aleph P 1.7 preamp builders thread

Hi everyone!
It took a while, but now I'm back :)
I bought a test instrument Atlas DCA55, (really nice actully!, I recommend you to buy one by yourself), and meassured all the ZTX450, 550, but them seem's ok to me. I tested IRF9610 and 610 as well. (also rechecked orientation of all transistors, all resistor was placed correctly).
After that, i really think the preamp board are ok after all!
I have reversed cables and reconnected the volume/inlet control boards and get the volume up a bit, so my focus are right now on the grounding of all signal connecting.
If anyone has an idea, you are welcome to share your experiense please!
I put 680ohm resistor where the 2K pot. are intended to be, (as instruction says), and I will test a 2K pot. too, to set up gain level.

I didnt have much time a week for this, but I will try to keep up so this will be solved.
Thank you all for trying helping me!

Best regards, Mikael
