Saddest songs

Pelageya also have made an excellent version of Ой, да не вечер, but I happened to get deschiffred the text to another Russian artist, Yurij Schevchuk & DDT.

In mid 90s DDT released the album Eto Vsyo (This is all) and the title melody had a very cryptic text with lots of symbols and obscurities. Recently I found a Russian guy who interpreted the lyrics and said it was about Yurijs prociessing of his sorrow and loss of his dear wife Elmire.
The song ends with the words 'До свидания мой друг и прощай' with means 'See you again and farewell', where 'farewell' is forever. In recent time Yurij sings 'See you again NOT farewell', to send a message that it's almost over now, there's hope ...

Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. Glad to see if has those "make the somg" chord changes I cant possibly play D/C#, D/G, D/F#. I probably couldnt make it through that song anyway.

Sweet Old Word, Little Angel - Little Brother are pretty sad, by Lucinda Williams. No big sister who cared a thing about me in my life...