R.I.P DF96/Dave Kimber

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DF96, Dave,
Even when you only know somebody from words on a screen, learning of their passing comes as a shock.
A steady presence here, voice of science.
Like hearing music from passed artists, reading his posts here will feel a bit strange from now on, knowing there won't be any new ones. The knowledge remains.
Rest peacefully DF96.
I only found out today. Bummer. :(
I had kind-of-noted in the last year that his posts were becoming fewer; indeed, not a month back, I was trying to figure out if I could just find his recent posts, regardless of thread. Unfortunately, I remain ignorant of having this selective-search superpower.
If you click a user's name, it will bring up a menu including "Find More Posts by <user>". Ta-dah!
A rare, rare voice of reason in an often purposeless maelstrom.
One of our major voices of reason for sure.

Seems like he was older than I thought (like his 50s) but not old old - from his bio, maybe 70, early 70s?

R.I.P DF96.
From what he said he worked with Dr Higgs at a slightly higher level. He might have been pulling my leg? I doubt it. I really liked him despite often being told I was wrong. Usually he offered ideas to follow that I might learn. Thank you Dave. I never had the courage to ask him why that valve. I have a few.
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