Differentiator Circuit using a 555 Timer Ic

To diferentiate a pulse you need a resistor, a capacitor (or an inductor). With or without active circuits.
But until understand you will use the 555 to compose a pulse of different time of the original. Then you need to build a monostable whose RC constant be properly chosen to the new time you want, and a much smaller RC time entering the original pulse at the trigger input, properly biased.
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Joined 2017
Can you explain what to differentiate and to what?
The 555 is a very specific yet universal timer ic.
The input is a window comparator which outputs set/reset a flipflop. So when a difference is sensed between treshhold and/or trigger at the edges of the window (1/3 & 3/2 Vdd), the output and discharge switch accordingly, but no subtle analogue value. CV is for modulating the window only (or not).

I have no direct memories (40+ electronic years) of applications as 'differentiator', other then all timer circuits in the application notes.
Originally Posted by MansouraUnistudent

I bought the 555 timer IC and want to learn everything about it to do my project. So I need homework writing help and some valid resources to read about RC differentiator.
Here's a detailed and informative 555 timer IC tutorial by Tony van Roon: groups.ist.utl.pt/lee/SUBA/Suba_files/555/A_555_Timer_IC_Tutorial.htm
And RC differentiator:
Are you planning to do edge detection and put a differentiator on one of the input signals?