Paradise group buy is closed now at 544 boards (!!)..... we will now proceed with all the organisation, and hopefully in autumn we will have another nice thread with building stuff, gallery and listening impressions ;-)))

Impressive, just impressive, very very impressive. Who would have thought.

More than 1000 shunt PSU's eating multiple KW's to go 'online' :), amazing! :scratch:
Interesting, I alwaays found the sound to be more agile, faster, more dynamic by lowering the current on the shunt. :confused:

Lowering the current in the CCS of the shunt can be dangerous, when lowered to far you may starve the current supply to the attached preamp and that may not be a pretty sight (on the scope, even invisible on the universal-meter (if lowered just below the demand)). It may even provide a somewhat crisper sound.
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Lowering the current in the CCS of the shunt can be dangerous, when lowered to far you may starve the current supply to the attached preamp and that may not be a pretty sight (on the scope, even invisible on the universal-meter (if lowered just below the demand)). It may even provide a somewhat crisper sound.

When I mean lower it I mean, giving a margin of 15-20mA instead of 50-70mA, so the circuit doesn't starv.
But you pointed out an interesting consideration that I will keep in mind for future reference!