Zen Amp

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If you can't get 9140 i don't see a reason not to use 9240. Just plug it in and enjoy. Even if the amp would die earlier, you can easily fix it. It also won't break your speakers, because of capacitor coupling.😉

Influenced by gromanswe I present a short poem:

One world, one sky,
We live, we die.
HPotter said:
If you can't get 9140 i don't see a reason not to use 9240. Just plug it in and enjoy. Even if the amp would die earlier, you can easily fix it. It also won't break your speakers, because of capacitor coupling.😉

Influenced by gromanswe I present a short poem:

One world, one sky,
We live, we die.
John Lennon
never will die
"Here Comes The Son King"
abbey road, again and again, over and over again
"you don't Believe we're On the Eve of Destruction"
Eve of Destruction /Campbell?, slipped my old Mind
Mind me say my memory is almost Photographical!


take a SnapShot
or ShortCut - trust me
when you can trust tem fools

going their own way
with me

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