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Yamamoto YDA-01 Style DAC kit to sale

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Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC Clone kit for sale. I made a small run of PCB for me and a few friends, but still have a few left over. Kits are complete with all parts. This DAC is my own version of this famous DAC. It has a few special features, it supports two digital inputs instead of one (great for a music server and transport sources), a better DAC reset circuits, pure copper board (with no solder mask), etc.

It is not a real YDA-01, buy the real one for that, but keep the same design philosophy, same chip set, minimalist approach, multiple and very local supplies and it sounds even better, in particular when wired with 6N single crystal copper wire. As I said I just have a few, and there won't be anymore of these...

Contact me by email for details. Thanks...
Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC Clone kit for sale. I made a small run of PCB for me and a few friends, but still have a few left over. Kits are complete with all parts. This DAC is my own version of this famous DAC. It has a few special features, it supports two digital inputs instead of one (great for a music server and transport sources), a better DAC reset circuits, pure copper board (with no solder mask), etc.

It is not a real YDA-01, buy the real one for that, but keep the same design philosophy, same chip set, minimalist approach, multiple and very local supplies and it sounds even better, in particular when wired with 6N single crystal copper wire. As I said I just have a few, and there won't be anymore of these...

Contact me by email for details. Thanks...

pm please with details and shipping to Kitchener, ON
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