Xonar H6 Sound card upgrade ideas please

Hi thanks for reading.

Have searched around but can't find much on this topic, xonar h6 op amp swapping upgrade capabilitlies. Have you heard or know anything about this.
There are a few posts on this card but nothing when used in conjuction with the asus stxII. The stxII main board uses muse 8920 and 8820 op amps and are proving difficult to beat, i am using a 7.1 system will appreciate any advice on the h6 if you have tried changing the opamps or have read anything anywhere

What do you think of the opa827, they seem to have a dark sound to them with good bass. I am thinking of using them in the bass output on xonar H6 card.
Opa 627 have a brighter kind of sound, what do you think about those in the remaining channels.
The muse are doing well on the main card, what do you think about muses on the H6 as well.