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WTS/T: Bottlehead gear, 12SN7 Aikido, Tubes (lots of 6922s), Topping DX7, monoblock cases w/connectors, etc.

Amongst other things, the list below is a good start. If you have something to swap out but don't see something you like, share a wish list! I'll take reasonable offers of cash or barter.

Zero Autoformers (Spades)
Jensen line transformers (JT123 and similar)
Volume control transformer (S&B TX103)
JBL LE8 (Alnico, 1940s) and LE8t pairs, working but not as-new (duh)
Aikido with 12SN7s and very fine parts/build quality.
Bottlehead SEX with Magnequest iron, stepped attenuator. This is the later 6DN7 version, an amazing little amp.
Bottlehead battery powered tube pre and class D amp
Marchand 2 way tube crossover, upgraded pots and lots of filter boards made with premium resistors and mostly silver-mica caps.
Topping DX7 dac. Like new.
Lots of signal tubes (particularly some premium 6922s)
Some tube caddies (nothing too standout but lots of new tubes)
Monoblock cases for class D amps w XLRs, posts, IECs.
Vintage WW2 tube tester (longer conversation... some significant value as antique war electronics)
LOTS of other stuff.

My key interests at the moment are 1.5" drivers and horns, and something to be happy keeping up with 12" midbass horns from 20-200. I have dual 12"s per side but it's definitely overmatched on clean output from 200 up. 8" round-frame coaxes that load using the cone (no "middle supertweeter" style horn) are also of interest, as are horn-appropriate 12" midbass drivers
I have a pair of Altec 288-16k drivers with new GPA diaphragms and MRII 594 horns if that's any interest to you. I also live in Mass and could meet locally. Not a hundred perfect sure if I'm interested in anything listed here but feel free to dm me if you have any interest in a trade.
@nerdorama I'm not sure, I think they're current? I bought these some 18ish years ago, never really found I needed them. They look just like the current ones, naked. https://anticables.com/store/“Naked”-ZERO-Autoformers-p14644819

@Will2226 I'd be happy to meet up and we can see what should change hands- Check your PM, I'll send one in a moment

@everyone waiting for more pics etc, let me try to knock some of that out tonight; feel free to offer what you think fair, I hate pricing DIY oriented stuff!
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Hi Everyone:

I've replied to most inquiries, I still owe some folks some effort cataloguing tubes and measuring/taking pics, thank you for your patience. If anyone in Mass or thereabouts is bored on a Sunday (today), PM me, as I was planning to identify some trades etc today, but also start assembling my updated horns etc.