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Wts ...37xr

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WTS my meterman 37XR . Going active and i dont build amps or electronics so i really dont have a use for it. 1 month old approx. it was 200 dollars canadian new will take 130 dollar and you pay shipping. I am no electronics genius but it has every function i can think of off the top of my head on it.


  • picture 4.jpg
    picture 4.jpg
    92.5 KB · Views: 184
- Autoranging 10,000 count
- LCR component test functions
- Bright blue backlight display
- CAT II 1000 V, CAT III 600 V
- Min/Max, Avg, Rel and Data Hold
-Duty cycle, continuity, diode, logic test

Basic Accuracy:
- DCV 0-1000V ± 0.1% ± 5 digits
- ACV 0-750V ± 1.2% ± 10 digits
- DCI 0-10A ± 0.5% ± 5 digits
- ACI 0-10A ± 1.5% ± 10 digits
- Cap 0-400uF ± 3.0% ± 5 digits
- Res 0-40MR ± 0.5% ± 8 digits
- Freq 0-40MHz ± 0.1% ± 5 digits

nice meter
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