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WTB Noble 100K log

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Hey guys thanks for the info, I know Hificollective have the pot but it's too expensive, the last bought to Michael Percy I paid 24,95$ but I don't know if have on stock, I asked him but still no answer.

This advert is also for a second hand unit in good shape & not too expensive.
Sorry for my early morning grammatical error. If what you're trying to say is MP only has "balance" pots left, and not the 100k volume controls, that makes sense. Any way, to cut to the chase, I do have a used but not abused one if your interested. Depending where you're located, it just might be more prudent for you to buy one from HiFi Collective. I'm sure overseas shipping would not be cheap.
Sorry for my early morning grammatical error. If what you're trying to say is MP only has "balance" pots left, and not the 100k volume controls, that makes sense. Any way, to cut to the chase, I do have a used but not abused one if your interested. Depending where you're located, it just might be more prudent for you to buy one from HiFi Collective. I'm sure overseas shipping would not be cheap.

Send me a PM with your quote including shipping to Spain, be nice if you post the pic.
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