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WTB Lecson HL1

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I have some HL1's in very good working condition. They have been upgraded professionally with better speaker units and crossover circuits improved/rebuilt but I can also provide many of the (inferior) original parts to go with them
I am in South Wales so unless you are ever near Cardiff a listen in person is unlikely but any pics etc can be sent on request. Covers are good in original brown cloth with a couple of very minor marks- can take photo's

Currently out of favour as my Quad ESL57's have my ear and I have too many pairs of speakers so any realistic offer considered. Can ship them at cost but they are large or if it helps I can get them to Harwich if you can get the Hook of Holland ferry and collect them (but doubt if I would be able to demonstrate them though)
please email me john.cushen@yahoo.com for more info.
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