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WTB :Hagerman Picolo Step Up or similar

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Looking for a Hagerman Piccolo to match my Cornet phono stage. V1 or V2 is fine. Also would consider any alternatives that are cost effective given the current "value" of the Canadian $. Can do PayPa US/Canda or EFT in Canada.
Need it shipped by postal service if out of country . Lots of buyer/seller feedback available.
PM with price and details Thanks .
As to what the cartridge is that 's actually an interesting question . It was bought from a dealer several years ago as a one off and has virtually no markings on it . It is a solid aluminium rectangle and came in the attached box. The closest I have every found to it is a Mission 773 but can't confirm - I load it with 100 ohms - that seems to do the trick - definitely low output. Would prefer a built solution as the price of parts etc + import duties add up very quickly never mind my arthritic fingers.



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