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WTB - Blackburn made 6GH8A tubes

Please dig through your tube stashes for any Blackburn 6GH8A tubes. They are mostly Amperex brand, made by Mullard, Blackburn. I'm willing to buy many if you have them. Or a single. Would really prefer unused NOS. I know a bunch of these have got to be sitting in someone's old TV tube stock, because they were used for that a lot. But they are also the signal tubes for my Dynaco ST-70 Series II, and they are the best sounding of all the 6GH8A's I've tried. I don't want any of the Holland or French made, just the Blackburns. This is your chance to get rid of tubes you will probably never use and make a few bucks. Designation: AAC4, factory code: Bxxx.Thanks.



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Mullard manufactured the 6EA8.
The 6EA8 is a triode pentode. This valve was made by Mullard in the UK for the American distributor IEC and was rebranded as the 6GH8A.

The pentode is of the sharp cut-off type. The design purpose was as a triode oscillator and pentode mixer within VHF TV tuners.

The warm-up time is 11 seconds and this valve would usually be found in a series heater chain.

Mullard manufactured the 6EA8.
The 6EA8 is a triode pentode. This valve was made by Mullard in the UK for the American distributor IEC and was rebranded as the 6GH8A.

The pentode is of the sharp cut-off type. The design purpose was as a triode oscillator and pentode mixer within VHF TV tuners.

The warm-up time is 11 seconds and this valve would usually be found in a series heater chain.

Phillips, who owned Mullard, designated the tube in question "AAC", which they assigned to the 6GH8A/ECF80A. This tube was manufactured in three places: Mullard Blackburn, La Radiotechnique Chartres France, and in Holland (not sure which factory).

I can't find a single Blackburn-made 6EA8. I would love it if you could give me more information or some images, or better yet sell me a batch!