title says it all. He was last here on 03-09-2023 14:35, and I always appreciatred his knowledge in tubes. Does anyone know anything about him?
Best regards!
title says it all. He was last here on 03-09-2023 14:35, and I always appreciatred his knowledge in tubes. Does anyone know anything about him?
Best regards!
Already a year ago he told me to be in serious trouble: loss of job, and the (for him very bad) situation in Argentina, that since then didn't improve.
Slightly more worrying, after regular almost daily posts, those stopped on February the 20th.
Might Indicate some Health trouble.
Might Indicate some Health trouble.
That is very toughAlready a year ago he told me to be in serious trouble: loss of job, and the (for him very bad) situation in Argentina, that since then didn't improve.
Sending my prayers
He's a close friend, and we exchange regular emails. He is taking a break. Money is tight and inflation is high, focus is on other things.
Thanks. Good to know.He's a close friend, and we exchange regular emails. He is taking a break. Money is tight and inflation is high, focus is on other things.
I also live in Argentina, in fact some 12 miles from his home, have similar formation and "Job market", etc. so "we swim in the same pond", suffer the same, etc.
Economy situation is bad , but we have survived far worse, many times, so we have all grown tough skins by now ... or else.
Hope he goes through it unscathed and soon returns to this Forum.
If anything, to focus on something nice and healthy 🙂
I will be sure to do so. I have exchanged email with him over the week-end. He is well. Due to the economic situation in Argentina he has stopped working on his projects for the time being.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Well that's kind of sucky isn't it. If it's a few parts he's short of, rather than time, I don't mind shoving something from my parts bin into a Christmas envelope for him ? I think he was working on an OTL amp, I may not thave much for that but if he would let us know.
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Wonderful offer, shipping cost to Argentina is prohibitive, there are customs duties which he will not be able to pay, and even with precautions packages do not always arrive.
Confirm that shipping and Customs duty is deadly , even for technically "free" donated stuff.
That said, it's a most generous offer by fellow Forum members 🙂
That said, it's a most generous offer by fellow Forum members 🙂
In Panama the issue was similar but probably because most academics here are lawyers, they found a legal way to import almost everything at much lower taxes, much faster and w/o the paper work. Packages from "wherever" are sent to a Miami address. The lawyers do the rest, including sending a message when you can pick them up locally. Isn't such a construction possible in Argentina?
Although probably nothing like the scale of Argentinian dues and costs it is getting a bit like that
attempting to import into the UK. STARTS at 20% VAT on cost + shipping. There are other possible
charges such as exchange fees.. Many sellers decline to accept UKorders because of the extra paperwork involved.
The whole world seems to be in financial chaos though Argentina has been struggling for longer than most.
And I am afraid that now being in my 81 year I will never see anything close to balance of this situation.
attempting to import into the UK. STARTS at 20% VAT on cost + shipping. There are other possible
charges such as exchange fees.. Many sellers decline to accept UKorders because of the extra paperwork involved.
The whole world seems to be in financial chaos though Argentina has been struggling for longer than most.
And I am afraid that now being in my 81 year I will never see anything close to balance of this situation.
Hello Folks. I'm here, good and healty. Kevin said me by email about your preocuppation about me. I'm glad to know you appreciated me.
It happen that economic situation here is very bad and tend to go still worse. As an example, a litre of gasoline (here called nafta) costs about a dollar or little less, but salaries are only 500U$S as a good one. Nowaday (18 december 2023) we got a new President of the Goberment which I voted all 3 times (elections here are 3 stages), his name is Javier Milei. He won largely over peronism/populism that caused over the last 8 decades to go to frank decadency, not only economic, but moral, in education, etc. I hope he can start to revert the history, but it is not easy and simple task. But I am still skeptic he can do what he want.
Over it, dad has gone at 93 in march and I was sad. Also, as I said to Kevin, several of my thread and posts went to wrong side and warm discussion causing intervention of mods. And as a consequence of said economic situation (I lost formal job during pandemic on may 2020) I cancelled my hobbie (audio and ham radio projects) in order to save money. As it is said here, war economy.
There is another factor. My old long posts were done at a regular PC at job, with normal keyboard and screen sizes. Actually I only have a Samsung A01 core phone and it's very unconfortable to write interesting posts.
Many thanks to all. My best wishes for soon Christmas and year 2024.
It happen that economic situation here is very bad and tend to go still worse. As an example, a litre of gasoline (here called nafta) costs about a dollar or little less, but salaries are only 500U$S as a good one. Nowaday (18 december 2023) we got a new President of the Goberment which I voted all 3 times (elections here are 3 stages), his name is Javier Milei. He won largely over peronism/populism that caused over the last 8 decades to go to frank decadency, not only economic, but moral, in education, etc. I hope he can start to revert the history, but it is not easy and simple task. But I am still skeptic he can do what he want.
Over it, dad has gone at 93 in march and I was sad. Also, as I said to Kevin, several of my thread and posts went to wrong side and warm discussion causing intervention of mods. And as a consequence of said economic situation (I lost formal job during pandemic on may 2020) I cancelled my hobbie (audio and ham radio projects) in order to save money. As it is said here, war economy.
There is another factor. My old long posts were done at a regular PC at job, with normal keyboard and screen sizes. Actually I only have a Samsung A01 core phone and it's very unconfortable to write interesting posts.
Many thanks to all. My best wishes for soon Christmas and year 2024.
Best wishes to you too, and as appetizer to visit the forum, the case of dual gate mosfet in audio you posted a while ago. For RF, linearity improvement was posted long ago and might apply to other 2-gate devices and for audio applications as well: https://www.robkalmeijer.nl/technie...nicabladen/elektuur/1978/07/page32/index.html
Thanks for checking in Osvaldo. Nice to hear from you. Hopefully 2024 will be a better year.
Best wishes for you and yours.
Best wishes for you and yours.
Hey Osvaldo!!! , our household has seen this inflation spike firsthand as well....just today, I bought a ten-pack of Marlboro cigarettes...one-thousand-one-hundred Pesos..?? $1100 , mind you the US dollar is now about 1000 Pesos.
This makes that packo' smokes simply a Dollar-Ten, not bad for the American consumer. The new president elected here is bound & determined to shake things up, he's not in the Peron, corrupt, nepotistic camp.
So Osvaldo, we make a handful of drives up north to Buenos Aires, anything I can get you from here you might be looking for?
This makes that packo' smokes simply a Dollar-Ten, not bad for the American consumer. The new president elected here is bound & determined to shake things up, he's not in the Peron, corrupt, nepotistic camp.
So Osvaldo, we make a handful of drives up north to Buenos Aires, anything I can get you from here you might be looking for?
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