With this being a pretty much vintage equipment forum, being that we use alot of vintage vacuum tubes, Im sure alot of you out there have some vintage testing equipment.
I personally own a Simpson 260 series multimeter, I will post some pics of it once I get outta work and get back home to it.
So, what vintage test equipment are you using?
Post info and pics 🙂
I personally own a Simpson 260 series multimeter, I will post some pics of it once I get outta work and get back home to it.
So, what vintage test equipment are you using?
Post info and pics 🙂
I also have a Simpson 260,great analog meter.
The only other real 'vintage' equipment I have at the moment is a Eico 667 tube tester,and a Heath/Zenith SP-2717 power supply.
I have some pics of the power supply on photobucket:
Heathkit SP-2717 pictures by Nothing40 - Photobucket
The only other real 'vintage' equipment I have at the moment is a Eico 667 tube tester,and a Heath/Zenith SP-2717 power supply.
I have some pics of the power supply on photobucket:
Heathkit SP-2717 pictures by Nothing40 - Photobucket
My dad actually gave me the Simpson multimeter, he purchased it new back in the day 😉
Im excited that I have a real use for it now rather than just letting it sit in my closet collecting dust 😛
Im excited that I have a real use for it now rather than just letting it sit in my closet collecting dust 😛
Eico 666 Tube Tester, a Tek 576 Curve Tracer, Heath HV Power Supply, a Variac from the time of Moses, Eico 222 VTVM for high voltages.
Tube/Tube era:
USN/Weston TV-4 tube tester
HP 711A tube power supply
Giant Stancor isolation transformer (P-6125, or is it 6425?)
Tek 585A that I use for parts (fun to look at too)
A few old meters
Solid State, but old:
HP 6227B dual channel power supply
HP 3300A function generator with 3304A plug-in (crusty, barely works)
Telequipment D66 'scope (minty!)
10A/240V Staco variac (anybody have an extra giant variac knob?)
Wild Burro Audio Labs - DIY Full Range Speakers
USN/Weston TV-4 tube tester
HP 711A tube power supply
Giant Stancor isolation transformer (P-6125, or is it 6425?)
Tek 585A that I use for parts (fun to look at too)
A few old meters
Solid State, but old:
HP 6227B dual channel power supply
HP 3300A function generator with 3304A plug-in (crusty, barely works)
Telequipment D66 'scope (minty!)
10A/240V Staco variac (anybody have an extra giant variac knob?)
Wild Burro Audio Labs - DIY Full Range Speakers
My dad actually gave me the Simpson multimeter, he purchased it new back in the day 😉
That's how I got mine too. 🙂
Having been in the surplus test equipment business for many years, my shop has dozens of instruments from Agilent (HP), Tektronix, Wavetek, Keithley, General Radio, Krohn Hite, Boonton and others. Many of them are not in catalog anymore, but I still wouldn't call then vintage. At least not yet. However, here are some that I do still use that are pretty vintage.So, what vintage test equipment are you using?
Tektronix 570 vacuun tube curve tracer.
Hickok tube testers, USM-118A cardmatic, 539C, 752A
B&K Precision 707 tube tester
RCA WV-510A master voltohmyst
Eico 555 vom (copy of your 260)
Heathkit C-3 capacitor checker
Kepco HV power supplies
Sensitive Research electrostatic HV meters (analog)
Beckman L12 megohmmeter
Simpson 1699 milliohmmeter
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My dad gave me his old TV repair shop stuff. Stark tube tester (not sure of the model as it's at the other house; a Stark VTVM, and one of those old-as-Moses variacs. Also got an old Stark scope, but it's dead. Something else Stark too, maybe a signal generator, can't remember.
The Stark stuff was like a Canadian HeathKit type company that specialized in supplying schools/colleges (I believe). He got all the kits as part of his TV repairman school curriculum in the late 50's - early 60's and had to assemble them all as part of the courses. I still have his textbooks too. Very cool, but HUGE, like 2 phone books stacked. Bound with bolts and wing-nuts. 😎
The Stark stuff was like a Canadian HeathKit type company that specialized in supplying schools/colleges (I believe). He got all the kits as part of his TV repairman school curriculum in the late 50's - early 60's and had to assemble them all as part of the courses. I still have his textbooks too. Very cool, but HUGE, like 2 phone books stacked. Bound with bolts and wing-nuts. 😎
and one of those old-as-Moses variacs
I have several old Variacs. The big one goes from Zero to Burning Bush!
I don't think any of my stuff is newer than 15 years old with the Tek 2232 and the HP8903A dating from about that time frame. I gave away the Simpson 260 and the Eico VTVM I built from a kit in about 1965 because a $4 digital meter just works better. I have about 6 tube regulated power supplies that I use a lot, but about 2 years ago I got a HP 6448B that goes from 0 to 650 volts and 0 to 1.7 amps, forget the bush, this will burn down the house! Wimpy tubes don't stand a chance. Still have an HP200AB oscillator and two 331A distortion analyzers but I don't use them much anymore.
In the RF domain I use two HP 8656 signal generators, an 8901A modulation analyzer, an old 141T spectrum analyzer and a 5328A frequency counter.
All of this stuff came from Ebay, hamfests, surplus houses, and auctions held during the closing of the electronics plants that formerly occupied space in south Florida.
Daddy's Leader VTVM. Nice looking, but the resistance readings are way off.
Mighty-Mite IV tube tester. Doesn't help a lot.
The Simpson (Navy Stock) was long dead.
Oh well, at least I got some nice NOS valves...
Mighty-Mite IV tube tester. Doesn't help a lot.
The Simpson (Navy Stock) was long dead.
Oh well, at least I got some nice NOS valves...
a old valve powersupply with a bunch of 6BQ5 as regulatortube, wonderful and heavy piece of equipment!
My beloved tubesteres are:
Eico 666
B&K 500 with B&K 610 panel
B&K 650 with B&K 610 panel and TC 615 panel
My beloved tubesteres are:
Eico 666
B&K 500 with B&K 610 panel
B&K 650 with B&K 610 panel and TC 615 panel
I have:
Mercury 2000 tube tester.
HP333 distortion analyser.
HP ac voltmeter.
HP S51B scope.
Very big old tube HP scope.
I have:
Mercury 2000 tube tester.
HP333 distortion analyser.
HP ac voltmeter.
HP S51B scope.
Very big old tube HP scope.
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Boonton 202-B FM Signal Generator
HP 606B AM Signal Generator
HP 200ABR Audio Generator
Heathkit Model IP-17 HV Power Supply
Triplett Model 3423 Tube Tester
Precision Model 10-60 Tube Tester
Bobby Dipole
HP 606B AM Signal Generator
HP 200ABR Audio Generator
Heathkit Model IP-17 HV Power Supply
Triplett Model 3423 Tube Tester
Precision Model 10-60 Tube Tester
Bobby Dipole
Heathkit IP-17 HV Supply 0 - 400V
Heathkit IP-2717 HV Supply 0 - 400V
Lambda 71 HV Supply 0 - 500V
Isco 404 VHV Supply 0 - 1.5kV+
3 Power Designs early solid state supplies to 50V..
Radio-Shack 5.0V/3A supply with remote sensing (kit)
Heathkit IT-11 Cap Checker
Hickok 539B Tube Tester
HP 5315A 100MHz Frequency Counter
Amber 3501A Audio Analyzer
Tektronix 2245A Analog Scope
Wavetek 166 Function Generator
Keithley 2002 DMM
Fluke 8050A DMM
Fluke 8010A DMM
Simpson 260 Analog multi-meter
I have an LCR bridge with tube oscillator that I might restore some day.. (Brand forgotten as it sits languishing in a corner)
Dedicated computer for FFT based audio analysis with Pete Millett interface.
Everything works, and works well. It's taken me years to get this all together. The only thing I would add at this point would be a dual domain Audio Precision System 1 or 2..
Heathkit IP-2717 HV Supply 0 - 400V
Lambda 71 HV Supply 0 - 500V
Isco 404 VHV Supply 0 - 1.5kV+
3 Power Designs early solid state supplies to 50V..
Radio-Shack 5.0V/3A supply with remote sensing (kit)
Heathkit IT-11 Cap Checker
Hickok 539B Tube Tester
HP 5315A 100MHz Frequency Counter
Amber 3501A Audio Analyzer
Tektronix 2245A Analog Scope
Wavetek 166 Function Generator
Keithley 2002 DMM
Fluke 8050A DMM
Fluke 8010A DMM
Simpson 260 Analog multi-meter
I have an LCR bridge with tube oscillator that I might restore some day.. (Brand forgotten as it sits languishing in a corner)
Dedicated computer for FFT based audio analysis with Pete Millett interface.
Everything works, and works well. It's taken me years to get this all together. The only thing I would add at this point would be a dual domain Audio Precision System 1 or 2..
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Inter Alia:-
A 1939 AVO all wave oscillator (really my dad`s - bought new)
A 1948 Gaumont Kalee model 564 Fluttermeter
A mid 50`s Advance VM77 valve voltmeter
All working.
A 1939 AVO all wave oscillator (really my dad`s - bought new)
A 1948 Gaumont Kalee model 564 Fluttermeter
A mid 50`s Advance VM77 valve voltmeter
All working.
Well I have a bit of vintage stuff that I use Tektronic scopes 545B,310A,Kronhe Hite Osc,Phillips Variac,2 Avo(mk2) Multi testers, Heath kit Osc,Rohde Swartz's deviation meter,2 Ferrographs,and would like to have more ........greedy, greedy
Well I have a bit of vintage stuff that I use Tektronic scopes 545B,310A,Kronhe Hite Osc,Phillips Variac,2 Avo(mk2) Multi testers, Heath kit Osc,Rohde Swartz's deviation meter,2 Ferrographs,and would like to have more ........greedy, greedy
I have a Hewlett Packard 200B Audio Oscillator like this one.
It worked the last time I powered it up. It needs a new home.
If anyone wants it let me know.
I have a HP 400H it needs a new home too. It makes a great amplifier for the bench.
Mine looks like this one.
It worked the last time I powered it up. It needs a new home.
If anyone wants it let me know.

I have a HP 400H it needs a new home too. It makes a great amplifier for the bench.
Mine looks like this one.

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