What Speakers would you build Mom?

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In honor of Mother's Day I thought it would be interesting to ask, if you were going to build your mother a stereo speaker set, what would it be, and why? (single box entries are also good)

Remember to keep her habits, tastes and any existing stereo equipment in mind, as opposed to building your personal dream speakers, and then hoping she won't like them. 🙂


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You have given no details of habits, tastes and any existing stereo equipment.

Personally if asked to build a stranger some speakers I'd go for these :
X-LS Classic kit
Can't go wrong at the price. If I thought the person took sound
quality a bit more seriously I'd use the same kit for floorstanders,
with a sand filled bottom and the same port in a bigger box.

They would be great for most people whatever you used them with.

rgds, sreten.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Did you say "one box"? These are grate!


  • Kitchen DIY speaker.jpg
    Kitchen DIY speaker.jpg
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Hi Sreten,

Sorry I wasn't more clear. I did not mean for MY mother. I meant for yours. 🙂




The penny dropped somewhat after I posted. My mother is deceased
and FWIW never had the slightest interest in music or its reproduction.

So its very open question, my post does not remotely address,
except its a good idea for parents with very poor loudspeakers.

rgds, sreten.
+1, also

Speakers that one becomes accustomed to, suitable to the era. Paper cones, infinite baffle -ish full midrange and upper bass, low Q bass roll-off, relaxed upper midrange and moderate treble. No domes.

My mom would've loved those Zaph speakers. She was a church organist, so she needed really good LF extension, not a major challenge in her smallish living room; sealed enclosures a good choice. Plus a decent turntable to play all those old organ recordings that were never reissued in any other format.

I'm happy to remember that Mom had quite a respectable stereo for a little old lady. 🙂 She really enjoyed it, too. (Off-the-shelf, though - I didn't build any of it.)

-- Jim

P.S. When I first read this subject line I thought I saw, "What Speakers Would You Build, Mom?" Hee!
Erik, you are a funny man. 😀

My own lovely near 100-y-o Mum has gone completely blind in her old age. Macular Degeneration apparently.

She went deaf long before, about 50 years ago due to Meniere's disease and the brutal surgery that used to accompany the "fall down a dizzy hole" horrors. Currently has something called a Cochlear implant that provides about 20 nerve inputs of hearing where she had 20,000 before.

But I do remember she used to love that old crooner Perry Como:

I wish I could give her back her sight and her hearing. For audio, almost anything would do. I hope she can still hear music in her head sometimes. Because I am lost for ideas with technology.
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@Steve, a touching story mate 🙂

I remember following along with cochlear implants inception in Melbourne in the late '70s. Maybe they need a bluetooth interface to bring them up to date?

@Soda, always good to consider diffraction 😀
@Steve, a touching story mate 🙂

I remember following along with cochlear implants inception in Melbourne in the late '70s. Maybe they need a bluetooth interface to bring them up to date?

@Soda, always good to consider diffraction 😀

Yeah, the time will come when we are wearing multiple cybernetic body parts, with Apps, Hacks and viruses in all of them.

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