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Wharfdale SUPER 10/RS FREE for repair. Australian Residence

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A sad story, away this last weekend, my flat mates unknown to me had a party and decided these would do for a good party speaker😱, and they suffered the abuse one would expect.😡

Anyway I have a pair of Wharfdale Super 10/RS (16ohm, 16000 lines) for repair. One still works, the other has a blown VC i'm assuming. Other than that they're still in good nick, cones are great condition, rear suspension and sourounds are in great ondition, no oxydization on magnet.

So rather than bin them, i'll be giving them way to someone that can, or will have them repaired to enjoy. Unless any overseas hobbiest are interested in paying the postage, they are available for pick up or postage in Australia.

e-mail me @ rickcrouch@hotmail.com
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