Hi all
I am new to this forum, scratch that first time on anything like this so please go easy. I have renovated a pair of glendales recently recapping, veneering and new grill covers.
They do look quite different but more to my taste. Although not a member I found some great help reading some posts on this site hence me now joining.
I am not an electrician and do have to read things a few times till I understand and google the terminology quite a bit.
I have recently purchased a pair of Dovedale IIIs and am unsure if they are wired correctly. They only have the two speaker terminals on the back so I assume they are older ones.
I have seen a photo of the crossover on here but cant see which driver goes where. I will attach photos and a basic schematic of what appears to be happening in the cabinet.
I think that the woofer is wired the wrong way around but am happy to be put right thanks for any help.
I am new to this forum, scratch that first time on anything like this so please go easy. I have renovated a pair of glendales recently recapping, veneering and new grill covers.
They do look quite different but more to my taste. Although not a member I found some great help reading some posts on this site hence me now joining.
I am not an electrician and do have to read things a few times till I understand and google the terminology quite a bit.
I have recently purchased a pair of Dovedale IIIs and am unsure if they are wired correctly. They only have the two speaker terminals on the back so I assume they are older ones.
I have seen a photo of the crossover on here but cant see which driver goes where. I will attach photos and a basic schematic of what appears to be happening in the cabinet.
I think that the woofer is wired the wrong way around but am happy to be put right thanks for any help.
The last diagram is unexpected from a rookie, well done. Here it is more conventionally drawn.
A simple first order low-pass on the woofer, a first order bandpass on the midrange, and a 2nd order with attenuation on the tweeter.
A simple first order low-pass on the woofer, a first order bandpass on the midrange, and a 2nd order with attenuation on the tweeter.
Hi Dave thanks for the reply. Funny I could not get my head around the tweeter and I think my drawing made it worse.
So in simple terms the purple inductor allows the lower frequencies to go direct to the return and bypass the tweeter?
I was following the wire instead of seeing the connection.
So in simple terms the purple inductor allows the lower frequencies to go direct to the return and bypass the tweeter?
I was following the wire instead of seeing the connection.
The driver connection polarities matter also. Some filter examples, select the LC high pass filter for the tweeter.
I assume they are older ones.
The Dovedale III was an earlier version of this three-way speaker. The Dovedale 3 came later.
The Dovedale III crossover circuit was simpler than that of the Dovedale 3.
I think that the woofer is wired the wrong way around but am happy to be put right
Your diagram shows the mid wired in opposite electrical phase to the woofer and tweeter.
This helps ensure that all the drivers are acoustically in phase.
Thanks Galu that helps I thought the tweeter and mid would be reversed and the woofer in regular + -.
I am glad I dont need to pull them all apart and can get on with the new caps and veneering.
I am glad I dont need to pull them all apart and can get on with the new caps and veneering.
Yep already got some Mundorf Ecaps ready to go, used the same maker in my Glendale XP2 and continue to be happy with them.
Yes, it's a 2nd order electrical high-pass, so the choke shunts / bypasses a portion of the low-frequencies around the tweeter (as they would say back in the '50s & '60s. And I suppose we still do, one way or another), steepening the crossover slope. In this case, probably to give the tweeter extra protection & to improve the phase matching through the crossover region.So in simple terms the purple inductor allows the lower frequencies to go direct to the return and bypass the tweeter?
So in simple terms the purple inductor allows the lower frequencies to go direct to the return and bypass the tweeter?
Another way to describe the 2nd order high pass filter action is to say that the low frequency voltages appear across the capacitor, while the high frequency voltages appear across the inductor (and hence across the tweeter).
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