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Joined 2005

im planning to build a multichannel pre-amp and I'm looking for a optical rotary encoder, it is not important if it is new or second-hand as long it is in perfect working condition.

since i don't have creditcard or paypal, im trading my pair of lm3875 gainclone kit, or some of my devices, i have(12pcs of opa627BP, 9pcs opa637, 2pcs PIC16f877 and 2pcs PIC16f84.

im also looking for other devices that you think i can use for my project (LCD/VFD, connectors, etc)

Please make an offer, thanks for looking....


  • gainclone kit.jpg
    gainclone kit.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 447

look at my first post if you like those devices, if not tell me what devices you want, :Popworm:i will see if i have the devices you need.

and by the way tell me if you have other devices you think is suited for the digital pre-amp

thanks a lot !......... 😀
Look what I have found 😀

Sticker is a little scratchy but device is ok. shaft diameter is 3,14mm, attached cable about 50cm long, foutr holes for mounting with screws. M2,5 or M3, did not try.

100 pulses per turn per channels A & B and one per turn, channel C.

Supply 12V gives cmos compatible signal 4V high level.

I look for PCM52 ceramic dip and DAC71-CSB or COB ceramic dip.
But as you probably may not have any of those I might be interested in any interesting DAC chips or OPA627, make me an offer.

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