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Wanted; mullard EL34 xf4 valve or pair

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Hi all,

I really need a used/unused mullard EL34 xf4; or pair xf4 or xf3 or what have you?

I'm not looking for a bargain; a fair price is fine.

Hoping one of you guys has one in the bottom of that draw; yes that draw down there.......

If you do can you email me;kayaanisqatsi@hotmail.com, or leave a message here, and i need said valve by next monday.

Thanks in anticipation of a positive result;

yes, thanks for that. I'm really looking for a single used Mullard EL34 xf4 valve. I may buy a pair if a single doesn't show itself soon. Thanks again, maybe i buy you a drink down Las Ramblas sometime.

I'm 70Km far from Las Ramblas, but let me know when you come to Catalonia always will welcome.🙂

P.S. I have for sale two originals Tesla not JJ E34L....http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/swap-meet/228603-fs-2-pcs-tesla-nib-not-jj-nos-matched-pair-e34l-el34.html
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