WANTED: A good translation of the following Chinese DIY article

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Go to <a href="http://sangenjaya.arc.net.my/index-e.html">Arcnet Translation Page</a> and select Traditional Chinese to English.
Can be a long wait and as with all machine translations it will proberbly be amusing and/or confusing.

Thanks for the help guys, but no translator online seems up to what I need... *sigh* 😕 😕

thanks for all your links and assistance though!! I guess I will just have ask someone at work who has no knowledge of electronics to help.

Ray -> your "product" looks interesting too! something akin to the redgum audio cd/dvd player but with the bonus of an lcd.

I am shocked to see so many Aussies responding to this thread, perhaps it is in our blood?? I'm a transplant from Melbourne myself, just down the road from TVI in Moonee Ponds.... Essendon to be precise!
I am trying


Here is just the first couple of paragraphs; if you still want it I can do it but, only at my own pace. I must stress that my translation can not be trusted; I excuse myself from all responsibilities; and this is my personal opinion and I can be wrong too.

Hope this can help.

Published Friday, July 19 @ 17:23:03 CST from Ton Shan Utah To

DZ CD-ROM remote control second wave V 2.0

Prefix: Long time ago DZ wanted to make PC controller. Sky is the limit if PC controller can combine with DIY audio! Imagine, besides remote volume control, signal selection we can also combine PC and tube gear to adjust/bias, or combine it with class A amprefier, to get real time temperature, control cooling fans, self biasing…DIY audio will become more flexible, fun and also cool!

The successful launch of the remote control CD-ROM let us put aside our worry, determined to launch version 2 before the 5th August 2002. Keeping the original simplicity and low price, utilize more capability of this IC controller. If you were kept dosing off while learning integrated circuits, you can not afford to miss this creation from DZ for it has a strong Hi-End audio favor with its plans.
yah! Thanks Chris! I hate to say it but you have made me want to read MORE!!!
If I can get some help at work (hey 80% of people here are of Chinese extraction) I'll post everything I get here....

Thanks again Chris
😀 😀 😀

Could you answer this question please: Is this product intended to work independantly from a PC? or is it an aditional module inteded to be added into an existing PC system?

if the product is for use inside a full PC system, then thanks for your help, but it is not what I'm looking for, on the other hand if it is a CDROM controller that I can connect direct to an amplifier without the need for a PC then it IS what I'm after!😎

From what I gathered I think this is a programmable CD-ROM controller, it can be used outside, not inside a PC tower.

Anyway here is the other part that I done so far..
Low price, simplicity were the goal of version one, CD-ROM V 2.0 not only based on the same guide line, it also provide an easy and highly expandable platform for the readers or beginners who are learning the single crystal 8051. In terms of the hardware circuit aside from the original CD-ROM control functions users may also develop their own (for instance, LED control, audio source selection, volume control…etc, There are 18 functions developed and many more are work in progress) Simplified features of version 2.0 listed as follows:

1/ power supply of 5V, reverse polarity protection added (I may be wrong on this protection one!)
2/ build in LCD, there are eight 7-SEG display functions, the 16*2 yellow LED back LCD can be connected separately; therefore super thin surface can be used.
3/ interface provided to link up to PC or for error correction formulae, provide more flexibility for certain CPU.
4/ option to have seven push down switches, five are built in, number six and seven are reserved for future use.
5/ addition of 4 screw taped holes for ease of mounting.

The goal of CD-ROM controller by DZ is not limited to karaoke, we look at it as a multi purpose controller, programmable computer, utilize this learning platform to train micro computing, develop this platform into digital volume control, remote signal selector, combine with vacuum tubes to make a self bias system, fun isn’t it? Above photo shown only ten minutes or so C programming needed to modify the software in order to turn the remote controller into a clock with calendar.

The rest of the artical is just the hardware circuit briefs. like command instructions, pin connections etc, so I would not bother to translate those, ok? I will find it odd that they do not have an english brochure regarding their product.

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