Wanted: a pair of matching 3" full range drivers (preferably Tang Bands, Mark Audio, Tymphany, Fostex, in that order...)
For exchange of (choose one):
original music composition for you a special occasion instrumental work (e.g. wedding, divorce, death, birthday, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, confirmation, handfasting, graduation, freed from prison, overcame illness, woke up in the morning...)
a haiku on a topic of your choosing
a music video of John Cage's 4'33" with pure blank background
a sound recording of 4'33" in FLAC 24/96 as performed by anyone you wish it to be
an English lesson over Skype
original Cliff-notes (mine own spiel) on the core meaning of society's obsession with the Kardashians
For exchange of (choose one):
original music composition for you a special occasion instrumental work (e.g. wedding, divorce, death, birthday, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, confirmation, handfasting, graduation, freed from prison, overcame illness, woke up in the morning...)
a haiku on a topic of your choosing
a music video of John Cage's 4'33" with pure blank background
a sound recording of 4'33" in FLAC 24/96 as performed by anyone you wish it to be
an English lesson over Skype
original Cliff-notes (mine own spiel) on the core meaning of society's obsession with the Kardashians