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Yah, the Tang Bands have a little more spl, but seem a little ruffer at the top end than the CSS fr125's do. A bonus is the TB's are $35 cheaper than the fr125's. I have ordered the TB's today and will recieve them sometime tomarrow.
Mod boushhorn


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Mine are going into a 9.25 x 6.25 x 7.25 dp 3/4" MDF 2.5 liter cabinet. Going virtually against the wall and the bass alignment looks better for this than FR-125.
I have an e-mail to Allen at T-B about vented vs. sealed. They look like they are to be vented but so close to the wall - what's the difference?
Also with the 8dB peak at 15-20kHz they apepar to be in break-up mode. Anyhow much better Qms than Fostex so I hope they won't have that bright edge Fostex are known for.
I ran my finger around the bamboo driver paper and I must say it is the most DEAD sound I have ever heard - a very good sign I think. I like the small Neo motor which allows better air flow behind the driver. Also cast frame is very nice.
Hopefully they will be forgiving enough and match well with "T" amp - my next project when time allows.

"Also with the 8dB peak at 15-20kHz they apepar to be in break-up mode. Anyhow much better Qms than Fostex so I hope they won't have that bright edge Fostex are known for."

Well they are nowhere near as bright as my FE206e's. I listen to mine between on axis to 10 deg. toe in. I haven't listen to any other of Foxtex driver to compair.

All a can say is that the W4-1320 is smooth, and only once and a whlile have a bright egde. Could be that bump in that range.

The 1320sb's are out of the OB's and in old shop cab that were designed for the W4-616. I think 4L 1.5" x 5" port? Not perfect, but 90% of the time you can't pick the drivers position out of the sound field.

Mine will be going into Modded Bouchhorn MKII

You like them better than the paper TB W4-616?

The 616 only goes to about 14k with an fs of 65 hz. It's a little hard to compair, because the 1320's are not in optimized cabs yet. The 616 has no top and until I have cabs, the 1320's have no bottom.
OK just got mine in the mail yesterday.

Got someone thats going to test them for me so when he is done I will link the Praxis and Klippel reports.

Frequency response and off-axis response
Actual Thiele Small parameters
non-linear distortion analysis
waterfall and/or energy storage analysis
BL/KMS curves
Fs 81.839996, Qms 2.121518, Qes 0.674866, Qts 0.511997
Vas = 4.11 liters

Fs 75.559998, Qms 2.049201, Qes 0.601340, Qts 0.464911
Vas = 4.8 liters

Here are the T/S parameters after 36 hours at 20Hz, of the two that I ordered. For anybody who is interested.
T-B recommends:
"intended for thin or flat speaker box design"

Here is a 3.5 liter cabinet design from Aan at T-B:

c:\...\w4-1320sb vented box design.pdf

Unfortunately, I can't seem to copy the .pdf file Alan e-mailed me. Here is the best I can do:

File: w4-1320sb.bb6
w4-1320sb vented box design By Eagle Chang, TB-speaker
Ningbo China
Box Properties
Type: Vented Box
Shape: Prism, square
--Box Parameters--
Vb = 3.558 liters
V(total) = 4 liters
Fb = 80 Hz
QL = 7
F3 = 97 Hz
Fill = normal
No. of Vents = 1
Vent shape = round
Vent ends = one flush
Dv = 38 mm
Lv = 111.9 mm
Driver Properties
Type: Standard one-way driver
No. of Drivers = 1
--Mechanical Parameters--
Fs = 75 Hz
Qms = 1.5
Vas = 5.985 liters
Cms = 1.297 mm/N
Mms = 3.472 g
Rms = 1.091 kg/s
Xmax = 3 mm
Xmech = 4.5 mm
P-Dia = 85.19 mm
Sd = 57 sq.cm
P-Vd = 0.0171 liters
--Electrical Parameters--
Qes = 0.484
Re = 6.8 ohms
Le = 0.01 mH
Z = 8 ohms
BL = 4.794 Tm
Pe = 20 watts
--Electromech. Parameters--
Qts = 0.366
no = 0.503 %
1-W SPL = 89.16 dB
2.83-V SPL = 89.87 dB
Normalized Amplitude Response (dB-SPL/Hz) BassBox 6 Pro
5 Hz 10 50 100 500 1 K 5 K 10 K 20 K
Custom Amplitude Response (dB-SPL/Hz at 1 m) with 20 watts BassBox 6 Pro
5 Hz 10 50 100 500 1 K 5 K 10 K 20 K
Maximum Acoustic Power (dB-SPL/Hz at 1 m) BassBox 6 Pro
5 Hz 10 50 100 500 1 K 5 K 10 K 20 K
anymore work on these designs?

Hi Guys,
I am going to bring back a pair of these from the States and I would like to build a simple design that could either pair with a sub or stand alone at fairly loud volume. Have you reached a design that you are satisfied with? If so, could you please share particulars?
Nice looking speakers! Why the cap + resistor? Near the wall don't see why they would need baffle step correction. Have you tried towing them in more to get more HF?
Mine are in 3.5 liter box with 1" dia x 4.4" long vent. Finish them by X-mas I hope.
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