W18EX + SS9300 in MTM?

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I'm toying with the idea of using W18EX and ScanSpeak 9300 in an MTM. The 9300 will use a horn/waveguide which will let me XO around 750hz. I'm considering W18EX because I have a few of these drivers in my shop. Am I asking for trouble? I'll add a pair of Peerless XLS 12" below 75-100Hz. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Christof said:
I'm toying with the idea of using W18EX and ScanSpeak 9300 in an MTM. The 9300 will use a horn/waveguide which will let me XO around 750hz. I'm considering W18EX because I have a few of these drivers in my shop. Am I asking for trouble? I'll add a pair of Peerless XLS 12" below 75-100Hz. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like fun but id recommend using the scan 97 tweeter instead, although more expensive it is a better device and will work well with the W18.
Christof said:
Let me put this on the table for kicks....and please, do kick me if it sucks....

Seas 10" Alum + Seas 7" Alum + SS9300 in an WmtmW with the SS XO point of approx 1000Hz (using a waveguide)


Aslong as you can work the waveguide correctly then im sure it will be fine.

Im not so sure about the WmtmW situation and sensativity. A WWMT would work better assuming the bass and "mid" drivers are the same sensativity.

With baffle step your 6dB down in the bass, parallel up and you get that 6dB back. The midrange in its upper passband will be the stock sensativity, after baffle step has occured it will be 6dB down in its lower passband, this can easily be compensated in the highpass, bringing the driver back to the stock sensativity. Therefore using a MTM would yield mids 6dB louder then the bass. Using one mid makes the sensativity the same.
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