Views on MTM setup (Titanio Elite: Focal 7W4411 + Focal Audiom TD5)?

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I’m planning on building a pair of speakers with active/digital crossover. After some research it seems that the Titanio Elite (MTM: 2x Focal 7W4411 + Focal Audiom TD5) Audiophile Speaker Kits could be a challenging, but rewarding project.

I live in Norway and the prices on drivers here are extremely expensive. As I am soon going to the US, I would like to take the opportunity to buy a set of drivers there. The prices on the mentioned drivers (7W4411: 151 USD, Audiom TD5: 350 USD) seems to be well discounted compared to a couple of years ago (even with inflation and increased component prices). I guess the reasons for the lowered prices are i) the drivers are not produced for the DIY market any more; ii) the drivers are quite old.

These drivers performed well in tests a couple of years back, are they still that good by today’s standards? I am also wondering about the difference between the Audiom TD5 and the Focal TC 120 TD5 (at 120 USD). Is the quality difference worth 230 USD?

Anyone built the Titanio Elite? I have heard that most of the boxes on the Zalytron site were designed to sell the stock of Focal drivers. Have anyone tried to use the same drivers in better/fancier design?
Are the other drivers giving more bangs for the bucks (in a proven design)?
Hi blaubert,
I don't live in Norway, but I grew up there. Spent the past 20 years in Washington DC, loving it here but missing Norway and all its natural beauty.
I've bought the Focal outfitted Titanio Elite kit (7 cabinets) and will in short time assemble the crossover components to complete the speakers. I can't wait to hear these monsters play something very loud! Have you made a purchase yourself?
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