Velodyne DD12 : change to 220V


Could somebody give me the wiring of straps on the amplifier for a DD12 in 220v setting.
I have one in 110v setting, and I want to modify it in 220v for french voltage. I put some photos of the straps :

The Velodyne DD12 amplifier :

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

On the components side :

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The straps, near the orange caps

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

This is the 110v cabling
Who could give me the 220v cabling...


Re: changer velodyne dd en 220v

kto59 said:
vous avez un schema ou des photos plus precises pour effectuer la convertion du modele 110V pour un usage 220 V ?
mon mail

Salut kto59,

Si j'étais toi, je tenterais de contacter da1boss par email car il semble avoir réussi. Tu vas dans son profil et tu cliques sur "send email to da1boss".

Sinon, je te donne le même conseil que je lui ai donné. Vas reposer la question dans le forum "Class D" ou bien dans le forum "power supply". Pose aussi ta question en anglais si tu veux avoir des réponses.

Bonne chance ! 😉