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Valves and components For Sale

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Hi I have a selection of new and used valves and components for sale

1. Philips ECG 12AT7/ECC81 JAN12AT7WC New Boxed 35 Available £10 each

2. RCA 6080 x 4 New + boxed £25 a pair

3.Westinghouse 5Z3 New Boxed £10

4. Brimar 5Z4 New Boxed £10

5. Mullard ECC81 used/tested

6. Mullard EF86 used/tested

7. 1 uF 500 VAC 1000 VDC ICW Polypropylene Capacitors £1 each

8. Cornell Dubilier 1 uF 600 Vdc Mixed Dielectric £1 each

9. Lemco 100pf 12KV Ceramic rod capacitors 12 for £5

Fluke 70- 80 Series Fuse 10 A x 3 Fuses made by Gould rated at 10Amp 500 V. They fit in my fluke 79 fine and do the job. So grab some for your tool box they are always handy. 3 for £6

11. TLO71CP Low-Noise JFET-Input General-Purpose Op Amp - 25 for £5

12. Dynaudio D5406 Dome Mid - Range Drive Units. Very nice/mint condition with orginal polystyrene boxes and sleeves with the Thiele/Small parameters.
These have only had light use and have been put in storage. £120

Please let me know if any of the above is of interest I will ship world wide and take paypal

Email me electroant1@googlemail.com.

Best Regards



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