Using PVC pipes as a speaker enclosure. Need your help on this!

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Hello there! I am creating a pipe-in sound system for our showroom that needs PVC pipes as speaker enclosures for ceiling mounted speakers. The ceiling speakers would still be hanging from the ceiling but i need an enclosure to be mounted on the steel deck ceiling to house the ceiling speakers i've bought.

I need to know:
1. How can this be done? Is this idea ok or do i need to make a box instead?
2. Would the length of the PVC pipe matter in terms of sound quality?
3. Would the sound quality be good for soft ambiance music and paging?
4. Has anyone done this already?
5. Is there a need to make port holes on the end of the pipes?
K slot pipe,

L = 1.2 M for 40Hz
(Its like a folded transmission line with an 'abnormal' termination 🙂


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johninCR said:
It is very likely that the speakers are designed not to have any box, just mount them in the ceiling. What does the manufacturer recommend? If they recommend a box, then just get PVC of the same volume and close the end.

I can't mount the speakers directly on the ceiling since we have steel decks (no drop ceiling) as our roofing. Do i need damping material stuffed inside the pipe? Is there a need to make a bass reflex port or just simply make a sealed pipe enclosure? Will the length of the pipe affect the sound quality? Let us say between a length of 6 inches to 1 foot of pipe enclosure.
airzoink said:
I can't mount the speakers directly on the ceiling since we have steel decks (no drop ceiling) as our roofing. Do i need damping material stuffed inside the pipe? Is there a need to make a bass reflex port or just simply make a sealed pipe enclosure? Will the length of the pipe affect the sound quality? Let us say between a length of 6 inches to 1 foot of pipe enclosure.

We need the specs of the speakers or at a minimum what does the manufacturer recommend. If the speakers are designed for in ceiling use with no box, then you will need significantly more volume for your enclosures for them to sound their best. Depending on the speakers T/S specifications, you optimum setup could range from the size PVC you mentioned, to one several feet long, or possibly just mounted slightly off center on a square piece of plywood suspended from the ceiling without a box.

If you do make a box with PVC then yes at a minimum you'd stuff some polyfill at the other end to prevent reflections off of that flat surface from coming back and hitting the back side of the speaker cone and negatively affecting your sound. Also, stuffing a sealed enclosure can increase the effective volume by up to 20% or so. Regarding ports, you need T/S specs (Vas, Fs, & Qts) to determine whether porting makes sense or not along with the proper box and port sizes.
johninCR said:

We need the specs of the speakers or at a minimum what does the manufacturer recommend. If the speakers are designed for in ceiling use with no box, then you will need significantly more volume for your enclosures for them to sound their best. Depending on the speakers T/S specifications, you optimum setup could range from the size PVC you mentioned, to one several feet long, or possibly just mounted slightly off center on a square piece of plywood suspended from the ceiling without a box.

If you do make a box with PVC then yes at a minimum you'd stuff some polyfill at the other end to prevent reflections off of that flat surface from coming back and hitting the back side of the speaker cone and negatively affecting your sound. Also, stuffing a sealed enclosure can increase the effective volume by up to 20% or so. Regarding ports, you need T/S specs (Vas, Fs, & Qts) to determine whether porting makes sense or not along with the proper box and port sizes.

Here is the site of the type of speaker i've got:

Unfortunately i've contacted the dealer and there was no specs sheet found in its box.

The dealer told me that there is no need for a bass reflex port and the length won't matter for this kind of speakers. But i just wanna make sure so i will also refer to you guys. TNX!
Tnx for the advice and the site you've recommended.

However, my last concern would be if it is a good idea to put dampling material inside the pipes or do i just leave it empty and seal the whole thing? How much damping material do you think is needed?

I am now creating a prototype for this project. I am going to use an 18 inches PVC to be mounted on the ceiling with the use of a circular MDF boards, 4 screws and silicon sealant. My ceiling speakers goes into the other end and is also sealed with sealant.
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