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WTB Usher 7" Carbon Woofer 8945A or rubber surrounds for them

Wanted to buy
I am looking for Usher 8945A woofer Carbon 7" or butyl rubber surround to re-foam this woofer? If you can recommend a competent re-coner I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!


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I have 2 of these woofers.
I like "competent reconer" followed by a pic of "87.2 dB"
The million/billion dollar factory where thousands/millions are made has a variance of 2-3 dB.
What is this "competent reconer" suppose to do?
Especially for a cone and surround you can't get.
Where do you get these?

Also how come no one posts where they are located in this forum (in title) or if it's wanted, how much it should cost.
I'm sure some one has them, just depends on price and details of transaction, which include location.

Just trying to help. I know rationality is not appreciated.