URGENT LUX91 Mono FCUPS power supply schematics 2008

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i am in urgent need of the schematics for the Lux91 Mono amps FCUPS power supply from 2008 . this seems to be an earlier version of the power supply .

i contacted simon and brian but am not getting any answers since weeks .
i would also be happy to get a new version (2010) fcups populated board .

please , anybody , if you read this , i have a very expensive paperweight that i would like to transform into a beautifully working amplifier .

any help is much appreciated .

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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I also have the earlier version and have been trying to update it to version 2.0.
Repeated emails to Simon to find out what changes were made have not been answered.

This module has been deleted from the DIY HiFi Supply catalogue.

Another poster on the Tram 2 preamp thread (post #702) says that after his FCUPS went faulty Simon told him by email that:

"We ran out of FCUPS, at first I expect some new ones will come soon then there are some changes at last. We used to use them in power amps well but it became unstable. But if we use them just for preamp it's difficult to meet the MOQ." (Minimum Order Quantity)

So, the module seems to have a design flaw that makes it unstable in amplifiers particularly power amps and I am thinking of replacing it with a more conventional PSU. I don't know if version 2.0 is any less unstable than version 1.0
The schematic would be helpful to repair it, but I doubt if DIY HiFi Supply will release it because of its proprietary design.

You could call it a real F*C*UPS
i am still trying to resolve my problems w/ the power supply .
i have received some schematics from Simon and forwarded them to my repair technician . i am waiting for him to make some sense out of them .
let me know if you make any progress in your repair efforts and pm me if i can be of any further help.


I also have the earlier version and have been trying to update it to version 2.0.
Repeated emails to Simon to find out what changes were made have not been answered.

This module has been deleted from the DIY HiFi Supply catalogue.

Another poster on the Tram 2 preamp thread (post #702) says that after his FCUPS went faulty Simon told him by email that:

"We ran out of FCUPS, at first I expect some new ones will come soon then there are some changes at last. We used to use them in power amps well but it became unstable. But if we use them just for preamp it's difficult to meet the MOQ." (Minimum Order Quantity)

So, the module seems to have a design flaw that makes it unstable in amplifiers particularly power amps and I am thinking of replacing it with a more conventional PSU. I don't know if version 2.0 is any less unstable than version 1.0
The schematic would be helpful to repair it, but I doubt if DIY HiFi Supply will release it because of its proprietary design.

You could call it a real F*C*UPS
i just got a message from my repair guy saying that he is giving up .
he is not able to fix the amp which keeps blowing the mosfet in the power supply no matter what he tries.
there seems to be no detailed documentation about the accurate values of the components on the power supply board because it went through different stages .and without that information it is not possible to fix it .

as of now i am left w/ a very heavy paperweight .

i might send it back to HK for repair hoping they can fix it .
at this time this seems to be the only option to get it playing again .
i thought i could avoid shipping to HK but if that is what it takes to resolve this issue i will do it .

if anyone has an idea how to get the necessary information or is located here in the usa , has worked on the FCUPS and can take a look at the amp please let me know .

Will it be a idea to get another type of power supply--do you know witch volt it give out of the supply ?
i use a Maida regulator for my tube output,in my dac...it can be used to Amp to
i think there are other supply out there you can try--(you need to know the volt output)
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