Ultimate ultra hifidelity opamp?

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ill formed question

what circuit? - manufacturers don't make the thousand or more active part types for no reason - in fact so many part types exist for hundreds of reasons

and "ultimate fidelity" is subject to interpretation - even for engineering specs, are you interested just for text book human psychoacoustic frequency, dynamic range limits
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Joined 2010
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It would be a big help to tell us what you want the opamp to do. You can't hope to have the best op amp,
but you could find the optimum affordable one if you know what it's needed for.

There is no best anything without a purpose and a measure of suitability -
so, is this bgoing to be a relay driver, a regulator, amplifier servo, an input for a low or high level impedance,
an inverting or non-inverting buffer or a run-of-the-mill, line level audio amplifier? Then, what gain is required
and what is the input voltage level?

'Shouldn't be too hard to find that out.....;)
There really isnt such a thing as a "best" opamp. depends on the task. for me opa2134 is more than good enough, and ne5532 if higher drive output is required.

I'm really not convinced about simply sticking "better" opamps into any given circuit. This is asking for trouble. Some people seem to think fast opamps are better, but really all that bandwidth is wasted if there is filtering on its input or compensation capacitors across the feedback network.
Maybe I can help find the right question.
Can anyone recommend a design for an op-amp based preamplifier to connect my {mediocre/pretty good/expensive/top-end} {CD player/DAC/turntable/PC} to my {power amplifier description}. {I'll need about X dB of gain/ My amp requires X mV to drive my speakers/ My amp has X dB of gain and I plan to drive my speakers at X watts}. I have {no/very little / some / considerable / lots of} experience building electronics. I {can/cannot} assemble surface mount components. I would like to {buy a kit with all parts and detailed instructions/get a schematic and build it from scratch/somewhere in between}. My budget is {as cheap as possible / price is no object/somewhere in between}.
Hope this helps nail down some specs.
There really isnt such a thing as a "best" opamp. depends on the task. for me opa2134 is more than good enough, and ne5532 if higher drive output is required.

I'm really not convinced about simply sticking "better" opamps into any given circuit. This is asking for trouble. Some people seem to think fast opamps are better, but really all that bandwidth is wasted if there is filtering on its input or compensation capacitors across the feedback network.

That's the point.
A design is something integral, balancing many contradicting variables.

Just throwing better parts at a mediocre design won't help.
I may even do some damage.
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