Up to the moment i have documented in german language a speakersystem with 12 crossovers an 13 Speakers. I intend to translate all the stuff in english laguage if there is enough interest in the documentation. By the way there will be also a lot stuff about the physics of speakersystems within the documentation. Curious guys around here mght have a prior look at the german documentation at: http://www.harrowalsh.de/Elektronik/thema0804.htm but be aware that at the moment there are no englich text available.
The Speakersystem is able to handle up to 180 Watt at 8 Ohms - but there are also the tables to build speakersets with 4 Ohm. In the same area i´m also starting up with the documentation of an 120 Watt per channel stereovalveamplifier with 6 times EL34 per channel that i built too. At this moment both documentations are not complete, but if there ist enough interest out there , then i´ll start up to create also transplated pages to.
The Speakersystem is able to handle up to 180 Watt at 8 Ohms - but there are also the tables to build speakersets with 4 Ohm. In the same area i´m also starting up with the documentation of an 120 Watt per channel stereovalveamplifier with 6 times EL34 per channel that i built too. At this moment both documentations are not complete, but if there ist enough interest out there , then i´ll start up to create also transplated pages to.
I guess a 12 or even 13-way speaker using
dynamic drivers would qualify for the
"Multiway" forum ?
Kind Regards
dynamic drivers would qualify for the
"Multiway" forum ?
Kind Regards
Multiway or exotic ?
First of all - thanks for the reply. I assumed while posting the thread, that Multiway ( if you look at the threads there ) seems to bother about regular speakers with regular enclosures and regular crossovers ( and that limits up to 5 way -what is already quite exotic - because only very few loudspeakersystems have so many crossovers ).....
In this thread I assume, that the case has 14 separate chambers inside, each chamber is calculated to avoid resonce from each other, each crossover filter is a 4 pass passive filter with 24 dB, and each of the cases consists of 5,5 sqaremeter of hardwood 5,5 cm thick ( assuming to a weight of nearly 96kg for one speakersystem ..... i needed nearly three years to build them....
so all these facts together I assume that only very few guys will take time to build a pair of such monsters ( 1,65 Meter high, 65 cm wide, 60 cm deep ).....
simply the fact that you can´t buy the coils but have to wind them and meter thhem each single pair and each pair of the capacitors has to be selected single what needs hours of metering capacitors in a shop to collect pairs together .... so finaly I assumed that to be quite exotic
but it is the final result to speaker mechanics and physical laws.... never the less - I don´t mind if the thread is moved to another spot... the point thats really important is: shall I proceed and translate more than 60 pages of text from german to english or not - and is there interest for that content ???
First of all - thanks for the reply. I assumed while posting the thread, that Multiway ( if you look at the threads there ) seems to bother about regular speakers with regular enclosures and regular crossovers ( and that limits up to 5 way -what is already quite exotic - because only very few loudspeakersystems have so many crossovers ).....
In this thread I assume, that the case has 14 separate chambers inside, each chamber is calculated to avoid resonce from each other, each crossover filter is a 4 pass passive filter with 24 dB, and each of the cases consists of 5,5 sqaremeter of hardwood 5,5 cm thick ( assuming to a weight of nearly 96kg for one speakersystem ..... i needed nearly three years to build them....
so all these facts together I assume that only very few guys will take time to build a pair of such monsters ( 1,65 Meter high, 65 cm wide, 60 cm deep ).....
simply the fact that you can´t buy the coils but have to wind them and meter thhem each single pair and each pair of the capacitors has to be selected single what needs hours of metering capacitors in a shop to collect pairs together .... so finaly I assumed that to be quite exotic
but it is the final result to speaker mechanics and physical laws.... never the less - I don´t mind if the thread is moved to another spot... the point thats really important is: shall I proceed and translate more than 60 pages of text from german to english or not - and is there interest for that content ???
I'd like to see the phase response and impedance plot for this system.
I've never tried to build anything bigger than a 4 way system. Even then, it was difficult to obtain a reasonably flat impedance curve and good phase response.
The final design sounded good but it wasn't very efficient.
I've never tried to build anything bigger than a 4 way system. Even then, it was difficult to obtain a reasonably flat impedance curve and good phase response.
The final design sounded good but it wasn't very efficient.
I was able to use Google to translate the German to English:
German to English translation
My love for vinyl records and music came rather early. My father was a professional soldier in the U.S. Army and I started already in early youth to take part of my pocket in the PX (supermarket for U.S. military personnel overseas in the military base) and then in a record "implement". Later, I received a birthday once a record - Subscription for a classic series in which all the European classical composers were presented with photographs of famous European symphony orchestras. My own preference was more in the Rhythm & Blues area. Later, Rock 'n Roll to Rock. Meanwhile, I've started an LP collection with over 2500 LP's - of plates from the early 30s to the late '80s and mid-90s.
Already as a teenager I had for my two tape recorders and even built my two turntables and mixers busy myself with electronic effects devices, because a friend was guitar player of mine and I built for him and sonic effects devices such as wah-Hall.
Later I had - after I moved to Germany - I bought up by and by an "acceptable" investment. He was power amplifier from Denon, which was pre-amplifier from Marantz, the speakers were of Sansui, of a record player was a Thorens TD126 (the classic) with an Ortofon moving coil system and an Elac turntable with magnetic needle system for old records and shellac. For a long time, I was relatively happy with this configuration, because I was clear about the fact that I called "high-end systems can not afford.
However, I had to take note of that in my circle of two real "freaks" were with plants of my system was superior. One friend swears has a facility with all components of Sansui and Magnavox Refenzboxen and other acquaintances to all electronic components from Denon and Infinity speakers and electrostatic.
I am a man who regards things occasionally slow, but then - will remain for years - "on the ball." From my 30th Geburttag as I began with the subject of HiFi and the related topics of intense concern to me in my spare time and progressively in the years to acquire such expertise.
Some 10 years later I began to implement the learned and built by and by "high-end" - components in self-made. The presented instructions on the following pages is one of the results of my ongoing for over 15 years dealing with this issue and this result does not need to fear a comparison with some other high-end speaker system. On the contrary - so far these speakers have won all the comparison - and not just in my opinion but the opinion that an owner who had spent their speaker a real asset. Any comparison ended at the end saying that they wanted me to buy my speaker ......
A final note on the instructions: I take the view that it is not sufficient to recreate a construction manual only stubborn. It is important to understand why you do things and what the consequences are if we depart from an instruction or it is modified. I consider it absolutely makes sense to read all the texts on the subject. It might for example difficult to be exactly the same speaker to buy today. If not followed the instructions here by necessity, we can only ensure the same high level, if you understand where, why and what criteria govern the selection of a particular speaker was, if you look for a suitable alternative.
German to English translation
My love for vinyl records and music came rather early. My father was a professional soldier in the U.S. Army and I started already in early youth to take part of my pocket in the PX (supermarket for U.S. military personnel overseas in the military base) and then in a record "implement". Later, I received a birthday once a record - Subscription for a classic series in which all the European classical composers were presented with photographs of famous European symphony orchestras. My own preference was more in the Rhythm & Blues area. Later, Rock 'n Roll to Rock. Meanwhile, I've started an LP collection with over 2500 LP's - of plates from the early 30s to the late '80s and mid-90s.
Already as a teenager I had for my two tape recorders and even built my two turntables and mixers busy myself with electronic effects devices, because a friend was guitar player of mine and I built for him and sonic effects devices such as wah-Hall.
Later I had - after I moved to Germany - I bought up by and by an "acceptable" investment. He was power amplifier from Denon, which was pre-amplifier from Marantz, the speakers were of Sansui, of a record player was a Thorens TD126 (the classic) with an Ortofon moving coil system and an Elac turntable with magnetic needle system for old records and shellac. For a long time, I was relatively happy with this configuration, because I was clear about the fact that I called "high-end systems can not afford.
However, I had to take note of that in my circle of two real "freaks" were with plants of my system was superior. One friend swears has a facility with all components of Sansui and Magnavox Refenzboxen and other acquaintances to all electronic components from Denon and Infinity speakers and electrostatic.
I am a man who regards things occasionally slow, but then - will remain for years - "on the ball." From my 30th Geburttag as I began with the subject of HiFi and the related topics of intense concern to me in my spare time and progressively in the years to acquire such expertise.
Some 10 years later I began to implement the learned and built by and by "high-end" - components in self-made. The presented instructions on the following pages is one of the results of my ongoing for over 15 years dealing with this issue and this result does not need to fear a comparison with some other high-end speaker system. On the contrary - so far these speakers have won all the comparison - and not just in my opinion but the opinion that an owner who had spent their speaker a real asset. Any comparison ended at the end saying that they wanted me to buy my speaker ......
A final note on the instructions: I take the view that it is not sufficient to recreate a construction manual only stubborn. It is important to understand why you do things and what the consequences are if we depart from an instruction or it is modified. I consider it absolutely makes sense to read all the texts on the subject. It might for example difficult to be exactly the same speaker to buy today. If not followed the instructions here by necessity, we can only ensure the same high level, if you understand where, why and what criteria govern the selection of a particular speaker was, if you look for a suitable alternative.
I have given allready the entryadress in the first post.Yes of course we would like it translated but I have a question. Where are the photographs?
some more Photos made in the buildingphase are at:
and as explained I´m just beginning to establich the further pages and more
pictures will be added. As explained at the moment the text is only in German language. If there ist enough interest out there - say at least some 10 guys or more - i will take up the task to translate the whole stuff and continue in dual language documentation. The point is that this work, that requires several hours only is worth the work - if there ist realy enough interest in the material. As explained also taking the description and starting up with own
loudspeakersystem is a challenging task of several months and just to give an idea of cost ( only material ) the speakersystems in one box amount up to something around 2600 Euro and electronicmaterial will amount to some 600 to 700 Euro per Speakersystem.... so that´s not a "one-Day-Project" and depending to the selected Speakers in the System the measurements have to be readjusted with quite a bit of math....
I think you can do Google Translate as Frank Berry has done for us and post it somewhere for us to link to.
The links in the post above don't seem to work.
The links in the post above don't seem to work.
Up till now no physical measurements have been made.... but I will request a friend of mine who is audiotechnician in a german recordingstudio to carry out in next weeks that heavy task ( speacially moving both speakersystems to the studio and later back home - remember both speakersystems together have weight of nearly 200 Kg´s ! and both together require lot of space - probably we will have to move them with a small truck )...
Up till now we only compared the speakersystem with speakersystems from Infinity ( amountig to 15.000 Euro ) and my system beated it in all levels by judging them with the ears ( judging transparency, clear dry bass, allocation of single instruments in Jazzrecords, clear and true replication of Music instruments of different kinds etc. for example: one "hardcoretest" try to listen to any recording of true Taiko-music > that big drums of 2 meter diameter must truely sound dry and clean and you must feel the sticks beating these drums < etc. )...
And the name ? well I gave them that name due to the fact that I wanted only to build once that kind of highlevel speakersystem and then keep them tilll to the very end when i´ll be burried... and then they´ll move once to my son.... Having them means you´ll never think anymore about loudspeakersystems anymore - there is nothing comparable availiable...
Up till now no physical measurements have been made.... but I will request a friend of mine who is audiotechnician in a german recordingstudio to carry out in next weeks that heavy task ( speacially moving both speakersystems to the studio and later back home - remember both speakersystems together have weight of nearly 200 Kg´s ! and both together require lot of space - probably we will have to move them with a small truck )...
Up till now we only compared the speakersystem with speakersystems from Infinity ( amountig to 15.000 Euro ) and my system beated it in all levels by judging them with the ears ( judging transparency, clear dry bass, allocation of single instruments in Jazzrecords, clear and true replication of Music instruments of different kinds etc. for example: one "hardcoretest" try to listen to any recording of true Taiko-music > that big drums of 2 meter diameter must truely sound dry and clean and you must feel the sticks beating these drums < etc. )...
And the name ? well I gave them that name due to the fact that I wanted only to build once that kind of highlevel speakersystem and then keep them tilll to the very end when i´ll be burried... and then they´ll move once to my son.... Having them means you´ll never think anymore about loudspeakersystems anymore - there is nothing comparable availiable...
The links in the post above don't seem to work.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
- there is nothing comparable availiable...
That's what i believe too.
No kidding. 😉
Hmm. The polar response is going to be 'interesting.' Personally, I fear I would be immedately thinking about other speakers 😉 but to each their own, & if you're happy with them, that's all that matters.
Hmm. The polar response is going to be 'interesting.' Personally, I fear I would be immedately thinking about other speakers 😉 but to each their own, & if you're happy with them, that's all that matters.
Last edited:
Change of Title to ULTIMATE SOLUTION
This is to announce that i chaged the name of the Soundsystem to ULTIMATE SOLUTION as sign of respect to the discused issues on the former name that caused irritation and discomfort.
The translated pages will be served under the following new links due to the fact that the translated pages are hosted in a seperate directory of the site:
Miscellaneous Page 01
Basisseite Final Solution 04
I remind that the description is not completed yet, but in a stage that important facts are already explained. For quick finding at the entrypage
Basisseite Final Solution 04 the stage of completion is visible by remarks in the link-list and will be changed with the further developement of the task of documentation.
please excuse that the english might not be the best - but I´m more than 20 years out of practise and operating with the googletranslation is resulting in a worse translation - so that every page needs to be rewritten which takes quite a bit of time.
Probably it is of interest that the qualification of the writer should be explained: I started up education after my emigration to Germany ( after i solved 4 years in Vietnam ... )from the very beginning in eveningshools besides working in daytime. I solved German highschool and college and thereafter studied in University and completed the qualification of MBA of electronic engineering with special qualification to designing microprocessors and MBA at science of mathmatics.
Besides I´ve also been active with audio-electronics for more than 20 years as hobby with focus to come to the true roots of the definition of HiFi. I understand that task as a challenge to examine the basics of the task "that sounds must be reproduced with highest availible technical ability from the point that they have been recorded to fullfill the demand to be listened as well as the source".
This is to announce that i chaged the name of the Soundsystem to ULTIMATE SOLUTION as sign of respect to the discused issues on the former name that caused irritation and discomfort.
The translated pages will be served under the following new links due to the fact that the translated pages are hosted in a seperate directory of the site:
Miscellaneous Page 01
Basisseite Final Solution 04
I remind that the description is not completed yet, but in a stage that important facts are already explained. For quick finding at the entrypage
Basisseite Final Solution 04 the stage of completion is visible by remarks in the link-list and will be changed with the further developement of the task of documentation.
please excuse that the english might not be the best - but I´m more than 20 years out of practise and operating with the googletranslation is resulting in a worse translation - so that every page needs to be rewritten which takes quite a bit of time.
Probably it is of interest that the qualification of the writer should be explained: I started up education after my emigration to Germany ( after i solved 4 years in Vietnam ... )from the very beginning in eveningshools besides working in daytime. I solved German highschool and college and thereafter studied in University and completed the qualification of MBA of electronic engineering with special qualification to designing microprocessors and MBA at science of mathmatics.
Besides I´ve also been active with audio-electronics for more than 20 years as hobby with focus to come to the true roots of the definition of HiFi. I understand that task as a challenge to examine the basics of the task "that sounds must be reproduced with highest availible technical ability from the point that they have been recorded to fullfill the demand to be listened as well as the source".
This is really nice stuff to read about 😉 . And enyoj your hobby ronnin
How about focus of the soundstage of this system.
How about focus of the soundstage of this system.
soundstage ?
please note that at the moment I´m writing both parts of the documentation - first the german and then the translation to english...
it will be finished at the moment all pages listed in the entry-link-page are completed. When the speakersystem was built - we measured each single speaker in the system to finalize the system and to adjust each single speaker to the average soundpressure - but we did not fix the measurement on paper ( I did not think about publishing the entire project at that time ) - so therefor I must repeat that measurements "overall" on the entire system again only for documentation - but I do know one thing from the task of the adjustments: the frequency measurements from 5Hz to 29.000 Hz did not drift more than 0,05 db from the "ideal straight line".... so I am able to claim that the protocollmeasurement will look like made with a ruler.... there are no dropouts and no "hops" throughout the entire area from 5 Hz to 29 kHz.
Only if you read the entire pages on the project you might really understand the reason for that result.....
please note that at the moment I´m writing both parts of the documentation - first the german and then the translation to english...
it will be finished at the moment all pages listed in the entry-link-page are completed. When the speakersystem was built - we measured each single speaker in the system to finalize the system and to adjust each single speaker to the average soundpressure - but we did not fix the measurement on paper ( I did not think about publishing the entire project at that time ) - so therefor I must repeat that measurements "overall" on the entire system again only for documentation - but I do know one thing from the task of the adjustments: the frequency measurements from 5Hz to 29.000 Hz did not drift more than 0,05 db from the "ideal straight line".... so I am able to claim that the protocollmeasurement will look like made with a ruler.... there are no dropouts and no "hops" throughout the entire area from 5 Hz to 29 kHz.
Only if you read the entire pages on the project you might really understand the reason for that result.....
Name of title changed at OP request and references to the original title removed.
ronin, the translation appears to be going well, thank you.
ronin, the translation appears to be going well, thank you.
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