UK HI-FI i in the late 70s

Where did that near half century go
Yes, my sentiments too. It's like time travel. I was just a young man with my hair 3 feet long. Now in his mid 70s, bald and pretty deaf and hardly go out at all as I live in the country and nowhere much to go to anyway. Makes me quite sad. One thing though it reveals what is still inside one's brain. All that detail is triggered by the ads but you didn't know it was still there. If you didn't recognize the ads, it would mean your brain really was on the way out 🙂
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It really was a fantastic time to have experienced.
Yes, gone for ever. I can't see how HIFI can ever be such a big thing as the it was in the 70s and maybe early 80s. The wonder of all that lovely Japanese equipment. The feel of the switches and all those controls, especially the black Sansui stuff all gorgeous to behold... PS: I guess the invention of the Sony Walkman could (arguably) have been the beginning of the big decline. Those wonderful tiny yellow muffed earphones that sounded ridiculously good. Then again even a TV can sound better than some of that old Hi-Fi kit nowadays, and people aren't even interested in music in the same way now as they were then I think
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Let's go back, way back, with this advert from Hi-Fi News, April 1958:


There's more UK Hi-Fi magazine nostalgia here:
Why, for heaven's sake, did anyone buy a magazine whose majority of pages is filled with ads? I always thought that German high gloss so called HiFI magazines were the kings with this respect, but now I was taught something better.

Best regards!
a magazine whose majority of pages is filled with ads?
Hello Kay. Yes, there are lots of ads but with there is a lot of reading content too, see attached index. It had 180 pages, so good value. Not only that, but I would also say there was pleasure in just ogling the ads and craving some of the kit shown and it was all HI-FI related, not any on yogurt and heath food etc. etc. 🙂 The mag shown was also a JUNE issue. I would say the interest in HI-FI always wanes in the summer months, so the editorial team would not want to waste good content at this time, maybe you should look at the winter season issues?
There's more UK Hi-Fi magazine nostalgia here:
Thanks Galu for the link. A tremendous amount of old kit shown there.... Yes it was at a time that QUAD was the pinnacle of Hi-FI in the UK...Also Leak, SME arms, Goldring decks, and the Shure V15 cartridge, oh yes, IMF Tannoy, Rogers and Goodman speakers, which makes me remember a very funny story. When I was just getting into Hi-Fi- in my very early teenage years, I told my older brother that if you had these huge Goodman speakers that were as big as a chest of drawers in front of you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a live performance in front of you. I blush now in my naivety 🥴
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