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UK (?EU) Transformer for Chipamp Group Buy

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This will probably only work out if there are others who want several transformers, as the postage cost for 1 destroys the price advantage over going into a Maplin store.

I need 3 at the moment but would buy 5 if the price was good.

I want about 250VA with two 25V secondaries.

I'm no expert on transformers. Was thinking of the Airlink ones which are a good price for 300VA.

Have spotted some negativity about Airlink, but am awaiting the details.

So, anyone else looking to buy a few trafos in the near future?

PS. The price for 10x 300VA would be about £18 each delivered to me, then about £6-£10 onward posting for eg 3,4,5 trafos. So it only really makes sense if you want 3 or more (or live in the middle of nowhwere?)
Last chance if you want a few transformers!

I'd like to order a small batch (eg quantity 10) of 300VA centre potted dual 24V secondaries. Delivery will be 2 weeks.

If anyone wants some I will send them on for:
2 for £50
3 for £70
4 for £90

If no-one else wants some, then I may still buy a batch and offer the excess on the trading post and ebay.
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