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Tube Preamp Module and Power Supply PCB's

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Hi folks,

I have received some more PCB's that may be of interest to the DIY community.

First, there is another offering of an Aikido power supply, designed by our own Bas Horneman. It has an improved layout from the last group buy, with the schematic being still the same. It's made of 2mm FR-4 single sided.

Measures 4" x 4-1/4". Quantity on hand: 20. 6 more on their way.

Pic: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-1.jpg
Schema: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/aikido_psu_v1.gif


Now there are some "modules" for tube circuits, particularily SRPP's and one regular grounded cathode + cathode follower.

These are also on 2mm FR-4 single sided. Each mesure 2" x 3".

Grounded cathode + CF:
Pic: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-7.jpg
Schema: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-7.gif
QTY on hand: 41

SRPP with pinout good for different Vh-k rated tubes, like ECC88 and varous VHF dial triodes:
Pic: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-26.jpg
Schema: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-26.gif
QTY on hand: 24

SRPP for everything else and grid snubber on top:
Pic: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-27.jpg
Schema: http://cvd.scorpiorising.ca/images/CK-27.gif
QTY on hand: 24



Canada Post in their infinate wisdom, changed rates and rules again January 15th 🙄

Canada - They can go letter post (no insurance) if the packet is less than 2cm thick and under 500g total weight. For insurance or mare than 500g, I need a postal code for parcel rate calculation.

USA - Can go Light Packet (no insurance) if the packet is less than 2cm thick and under 500g total weight. Airmail (insured and up to 1Kg) would be between $6.45 and $13.25. Need state it's being shipped to.

Overseas - Airmail only (it'll probably get lost otherwise). Goes by weight and country of destination now, no more flat rate levels (Italy, India, Australia and South America can take insane length of time [months]).

PayPal or hyperWALLET only for payment please.

Hi Folks,

I have a limited supply of these Aikido PS PCB's in stock again. Please read the intial post for info and send me an email if you are interested 🙂

The only append is shipping is Canada Post exact, +$0.50 (for the envelope)

I just (finally!) received a shipment today of ceramic PCB sockets to fit these boards.

I'll even pricematch AES (for this thread/these boards only):

9-pin: $1.75/ea
Octal: $1.95/ea

Due to size, they don't qualiify for the cheaper Light Packet (US) or Lettermail (Canada) postal rates.

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