Transmission line speakers project

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Have you considered a more complex crossover? It seems too simple to me...

Have you taken any measurements with them yet?



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crossover complexity


I've been using the Vifa drivers for years and I've found that a simple high-pass filter seems to work well. Lacking the necessary test equipment, I'm reduced to subjective listening tests. But this has worked for me. I don't claim to be an expert, but I am happy with the results.

I've recently downloaded Speaker Workshop and I do plan to do some testing when time allows.
BrianGT said:
Have you considered a more complex crossover? It seems too simple to me...

I helped work on one of chrisB's speakers -- a Vifa P13 + modified Vifa T project. We started out with a fairly complex modeled XO and ended up with a single cap on the tweeter. IMHO if you can get drivers that match well and where the midbass rolls off smoothly this is the best XO there is.

It is all i have on my current system (+ an active XO on the bottom).



I just wanted to compliment you on your fine site. I drew a great deal of inspiration from it when designing both my speakers and my site. I hope you noted the link to your site on my links page. I'm now an active proponent of t-lines. My only prior experience was with a friends set of IMF t-lines from around 1970.

I had been using the Vifa woofers in small sealed-box enclosures for years. When I first fired up the t-lines, I was amazed at the articulation and extension in the bass region. I haven't had this much fun in years!
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