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Trade or F/S: Sonic Frontiers, Scott, Fisher, Grommes, Tube Amps and Tuners

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Reluctantly pulling the Sonic Frontiers from the table as I am unable to comprehend the new math being used to come up with some of the :whacko: offers I`ve received.

10 x 12AX7 = One Sonic Frontiers SFC-1 (I think not!):smash:

One no-name tonearm requiring complete re-wire, headshell and mounting hdwe = One Sonic Frontiers SFC-1 (Guess again!):headbash:

You get the picture...seriously folks...if I ensure I don`t place a ridiculous valuation on the SFC-1 it behooves you not to, in turn, value your item beyond all rationale logic...:crazy:

Since there has been zero in terms of legitimate trade or swap offers...this item is now withrawn

But many thanks to those who conducted themselves with intelligence, class and showed reasoned and genuine interest on this item, and thanks to those who successfully negotiated mutually satisfactory trades on the other items....
Reluctantly pulling the Sonic Frontiers from the table as I am unable to comprehend the new math being used to come up with some of the :whacko: offers I`ve received.

Howabout letting us know what you want for the Sonic Frontiers Amp? If you put a cash value on it, even if you don't want cash for it, it would let people know your expectations and you might get better set of offers.

If the price was right, I'd buy it from you, but I'd like to understand your expectations as well. That way I don't insult you or significantly overspend myself.

Also you are on a DIY website, where commercial gear isn't valued as high as somewhere like audiogon.
Howabout letting us know what you want for the Sonic Frontiers Amp? If you put a cash value on it, even if you don't want cash for it, it would let people know your expectations and you might get better set of offers.

If the price was right, I'd buy it from you, but I'd like to understand your expectations as well. That way I don't insult you or significantly overspend myself.

Also you are on a DIY website, where commercial gear isn't valued as high as somewhere like audiogon.

Thanks Sheldon...I stated from the outset I wanted to avoid the rather uninteresting and un-rewarding cash for goods scenario.

I set out that my expectations were xtremely reasonable...anyone doing some research could easily determine as I have, that the SFC-1, as infrequently as it does come up for sale, sells for about $950-$1200 in good working condition Based on the last 9 sales over the past three years and from sources such as Orion Blue Book, Worthpoint, AudioDogGone, E-Prey etc. etc.

My SFC-1 requires some work, as set out in my OP and in a pre-existing thread here on DiyAudio but, it comes with two sets of capacitors --original and new--the original documentation, a full tube complement and full disclosure as to its symptoms.

As others here at DiyAudio have noted in PMs to me during the course of this listing, the replacement cost of the Power and O/P trafos alone would command approximately $400 dollars given their substantial and specific engineering. Add in all the the other goodies that come along with SF and it would seem not unreasonable to assume a trade valuation somewhere in the $500-$600 range

In fact, my wish list for trades..mutual conductance tube tester, Rega, Thorens turntable, Rega, Moth tonearm...actually revealed how reasonably I was valuing the SFC-1 ($400-$600 range) based on what it might reasonably cost me to obtain these items on a purely cash basis.

I've done this swap/trading thing a couple of times now with items I simply won't get to or have lost interest in. Luckily I've made made some mutually satisfactory trades that continue to to build upon the collegiality I enjoy here
at DiyAudio as opposed to what one encounters in those domains where flippers, raptors and pickers run amok.

So now you have an idea. Best regards. Leo
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