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Trade, Barter, Or Swap These

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1)Any of the SMSL or Topping units using Ta2020/TA2021 or TA2024 T-amp chips, 230V, 60Hz, with wallwart 13.5V

For: One 45 minute Skype guitar instructional lesson, or music theory lesson. My work has been reviewed here:
Jazz article: Domina Catrina Lee: Songs From The Breastbone Drum

A sample of my music found here: https://soundcloud.com/catrina-daimon-lee

as well as on bandcamp (Catrina Daimon Lee - The Book Of Worlds), and elsewhere online.

My harmonic theory evolved out of meditations on Pat Martino's 12 Point Star, and has been likened to theories that aimed to explicate the music of Bela Bartok, but has since evolved beyond even that level.

I am also a competent, reliable, and accurate Tarot reader, and I can trade a 45 minute Skype consultation for the above mentioned amplifier unit.

Message me privately here.

2) Speaker Parts (all from Parts Express):

https://www.parts-express.com/parts-express-banana-5-way-speaker-wire-binding-post-terminal--260-301 (x2)

https://www.parts-express.com/acous...inet-sound-damping-material-1-lb-bag--260-317 (x1)

https://www.parts-express.com/parts...thread-pan-head-screws-black-100-pcs--081-435 (x1)

https://www.parts-express.com/tang-band-w3-1364sa-3-bamboo-cone-driver--264-844 (x2)

In exchange for a 60 minute guitar performance (improvisation, technique, etc) or harmonic theory lesson over Skype, or a 60 minute Tarot consultation.

Message me privately.

Thank you much for your kindness.
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