TL in home theater?

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I was just looking around and came upon this great site. Went through most of the previous post and found that you are a very knowledgeable crowd. I really like the TL design, and was wondering what people thought of it in a HT setup. I listen to a 50/50 mix of music and HT. I have a little experience in subwoofer design in my car and in my HT setup (sealed and ported) any replies are welcome.

TL's in HT!


There is nothing wrong, from a sound point of view, with TL's for a HT-system.
But practically, you will end up with some spacious speakers. If you take the basic guideline rules for a Dolby digital system, you need at least speakers that can produce a full sound spectrum (ideally 20 hz - 20 kHz, but 40 hz - 20 kHz is more feasible). That's one part of the deal. More ideally is that you use five identical speakers (sub excluded) for you HT-system.
If you're make one design that will fit the above rules, you're rear and centre speaker will have the same volume as you're main speakers.
Personally, if never seen a full HT-system with TL's. But the use of TL's for subs is more familiar.

Just an opinion 😀

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