This has nothing to do with Peranders, so he can ignore this totally

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In another thread, Herr Per and I are having a bit of the old chin wag. In the middle of one of my replies, I interjected the following text. It was not directed at him, it was directed to the rest of you people. So, for those who may have missed it, I am putting it here for the rest of you people to read.

"And while I am at it.........

No more zipped-up Spice stuff!!!!!!!! I do not use it. Never have. Have no idea how it works. Do not care to know how it works. Do not have the software to do it. Send your requests to Harry(!!!!!!!!!); I know he will will be than willing to ignore you. [joke........hey I had to throw one in.]

And please............if you want me to buy parts for you, then do me the courtesy of checking the prices BEFORE I have to do it for you, only to catch greif on how sodding expensive they are and/or that I am screwing you.

End of rant. We will now return you to your normally scheduled entertainment.........."

Since then, it appears that Hairy Holler has been booted off. So, you will still get the same non-response from him. And since he is not here to post a link to the thread in question, and I am too dumb to know how to do it, you guys will have to find it on your own if you want to read that rest of the crap I wrote.

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