THe inspiration came from reading a few books reading a few books about the design of musical instruments, particularly those made from wood. There is a similarity between tonearms and violines: You want to avoid high Q resonances, or "Wolf-TOnes" in the violine language. THerefore I tested the design principles on wooden pipes. Funny detail: It turned out that my SAMBUCO tonearm is made from elderwood, the same as Harry Potter's magic wand.
Geoff Husbands articles were part of my research work, and now I believe, I can contribute a chapter to the design of tonearms: will give you an introduction to my approach.
Geoff Husbands articles were part of my research work, and now I believe, I can contribute a chapter to the design of tonearms: will give you an introduction to my approach.
Yes, there is a typo! The Correct adress is There you will find photos, videos and the whole development story. I hope you enjoy reading!
Lukas at SAMBUCO.
Lukas at SAMBUCO.