The real "Gaincard" parts

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Many have seen those pictures which purportedly show the insides of the real(original) Gaincard. They are some funky looking parts. Not particularly impressive looking. Which leads me to my story. I spent the other morning going to a electronic supply store in order to build the inverted version of the gainclone. On a total whim, I ducked into a thrift store and found an early eightes technics tuner/receiver made in japan. It was metal and heavy and had a killer heatsink and ei transformer. It was $10 so I bought it basically to use the heatsink and maybe possibly the transformer. Well turns out, that the amp is littered with exactly, and I mean exactly, the same resistor used in the gaincard for the feedback loop. So, I quickly locate 2 22k resistors and desolder them. Well, gentlemen when I installed them in my nigc the thing took off! A perfect match! Long and short of it is I strongly believe that those parts in the original, are tremendously synergistic for the circuit. I've tried alot of different parts in the amps. I think the 47labs guy has a few tricks up his sleeve.
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